+ Some great additions to the original game's, including an entirely new (if a bit restrictive) game theme in Super Mario 3D World
+ Most of all the new, cool stuff you'd expect from a newer Mario Maker
+ A genuinely pretty solid singleplayer mode this time!
+ Better ways to find new stages, and even a world editor (though it's quite restrictive too)

- Somehow just doesn't really carry the same joy or "feel" as the original game
- The experience of making levels is dampened by not having the Wii U Gamepad (I know, technically not the game's fault, but it still does affect the enjoyment)
- While new ways of completing random levels were added, the original moode where you play through 10 different ones with limited lives was removed which greatly hampered the game's watchability on Twitch
- As mentioned above, many of the new features are too limiting to fully utilize them properly despite new objects
- The biggest scam ever in a Nintendo game to put Mario 3D World's theme in a separate category from the others called "Extra Game Themes" (with a plural) and then never adding more game themes
- Really lackluster updates in general
- Removed the cool amiibo support from SMM1

Only a small, subjective review instead of my usual longer ones as I didn't play through the game (I completely concede that I may be wrong about a lot of these things, just sharing my experience)
+ While a bit crusty on handheld, the visuals are generally pretty good in docked mode
+ Vibrant and colorful character designs
+ Solid music
+ Really interesting world for the most part

- Very fluctuating framerate
- Uninteresting and oversexualized characters that just follow the shota protagonist around as his waifu swordswomen
- A tutorial quest more annoying than Twilight Princess'
- World looks expansive but is mostly really flat, just with some cool window-dressing
- Shallow gameplay for the most part
- Story wasn't very grabbing, being relatively cliché

I just sold this one to get the money for Smash lol

+ Excellent, even addictive core gameplay
+ All of the different types of cars look great and feel unique with all of their stats, hidden attributes and occasional special abilities
+ Expansive maps with lots of interesting roads and strategizing, including entire secret areas only accessible from certain sneaky passes
+ Big Surf Island, while feeling a bit separated from the main map, is an immaculate and enjoyable addition to the already huge world of Paradise City
+ Music selection is really great even if it’s on the older side of rock and punk (though it’s weird how only royalty-free classical music plays at night)
+ So many missions of different types to clear and collectibles to obtain, with Breath of the Wild’s Korok-like Billboards, Super Jumps and ”Smash” fences to drive through everywhere as well as countless achievements to get
+ Haven’t had the chance to try the online multiplayer on the remastered version but I can recall from the original on PS3 that local multiplayer was really fun

- You support EA by buying the game (try not to think about it)
- Most likely related to the fact above, the absolute biggest issue with the game are the freezes/crashes. About 40-50% of the time the game will crash when you open up an ongoing session of play. On Switch this means putting the console on sleep mode while playing the game and later returning to play it again. The screen will freeze in the last moment you played, and the background noise will stack and loop indefinitely. Apparently this issue also exists on PC, where if you Alt+Tab or otherwise switch out from the game and try to come back the game will be frozen. Hopefully they fix this one day, but knowing EA they probably won’t.
- Usually the cars’ breaking physics are great, but sometimes it feels like you’ve barely scraped by another car at like 20 km/h and still get totally wrecked, TL;DR some specific cars are made out of styrofoam for no discernible reason
- If you want to cancel a mission while doing it, the only way to do so is to come to a complete stop in momentum and not pressing any buttons for 3 seconds. This may not sound so bad, but it can get real boring and annoying real fast if you’re grinding an especially tight time trial
- The toy cars and some other ones are missing proper breaking physics, so when you get Wrecked it just looks like your car stopped in front of a wall
- Graphics are great for their time, but feel a bit dated nowadays even though the remaster has done a solid job at maintaining their polish
- The online multiplayer may have some flaws that I will include here when I’ve played it sufficiently

+ Insanely interesting and creative platforming
+ Fun to 100%
+ Groovy music
+ Funny characters
+ Fascinating world design
+ While the game is on the smaller side, it's a great proof of concept and doesn't cost much

- Lighting - especially in the sunset levels - can make the game look really ugly and basically remove the nice cel-shading -like effect from the rest of the game
- While the controls do work, it does feel like the character's game feel could still use a bit more polish (maybe by adding hurtbox balls inside the snake's movement rail)
- 100%:ing the game is fun, but it comes with no reward at all

+ Great colors
+ Good platforming
+ Very cheap

- Initially interesting world with multiple planets, but each one is tiny and can be fully explored in 20-30 minutes
- Combat and upgrades are mostly boring
- Even 100%'ing the game only lasts a few hours
- Not much replayability unless you're interested to speedrun
- Forgettable music

+ Best story mode out of any Smash game
+ Great music
+ Excellent side content
+ Cool first-party newcomers
+ Last game to have Target Mode
+ First Smash game to include a Stage Builder

- Nearly unplayable as a competitive game, due to
• Tripping
• Very little hitstun so true combos are difficult to impossible to execute with most characters
• Extremely unbalanced characters, with Meta Knight and Ice Climbers being some of the only viable ones in higher competive play
- Art style feels dated and especially doesn't look good on a 480p Wii

+ One of the best soundtracks in a Mario Kart game
+ Excellent tracks, including in Battle Mode
+ Pretty good motion controls
+ Adds bikes that play very differently from karts
+ One of the hardest Mario Karts to 100%, which adds playability
+ Funky Kong 😍

- Bikes are overpowered in comparison to karts
- Art style hasn't aged very well
- You lose your item from almost everything, which can be really frustrating especially when trying to comeback. Falling, getting blued, shocked, squished or stomped by Mega Mushroom, all of these make you lose your item
- Item balance in general is lackluster as you can get multiples of the same item in a row and even get Bullet Bill very early on in the race

+ Absolutely revolutionary to the 2D Metroid formula
+ Best-feeling Metroid game and the funnest to control in general
+ Best combat and bosses in a 2D Metroid
+ Fitting conclusion to the original 2D Metroid saga, can’t wait for the next one
+ E.M.M.I. and general horror elements are really strong and feel polished
+ Sound design is insanely good
+ Fast travel system is probably the best out of any Metroid game other than AM2R
+ Progression is well paced
+ Story and lore is very fascinating for a 2D Metroid
+ Adam’s character is redeemed after the trainwreck that was Metroid: Other M, and Samus’ portrayal is the best in the entire series
+ Best Varia Suit design in the franchise, and the world and character designs in general are really great
+ Interesting never-before-seen upgrades
+ Least backtracky game in the franchise without feeling handholdy either
+ Almost infinitely entertaining side content like the different Boss Rush modes
+ THAT scene with Samus. You know which one.

- Music is majorly hit-or-miss, with half the areas’ and bosses’ themes being unmemorable
- Some missed potential in restricting the E.M.M.I. to specific areas
- No ”best”/”good” endings for Samus, only some art for other games depending on your time and items

Minecraft feels like a force of nature at this point. It’s the first proper video game that ever got me into gaming. It would feel weird to list pros and cons like I usually do for games, so I’ll just condense my opinions to these few points:
• Great game, everyone should experience it
• Loved playing Skywars and Survival with random online friends like 9 years ago, and I love playing other gamemodes and on SMPs today
• Microsoft didn’t ruin Java (though Bedrock sucks for many reasons that were caused by them)
• 1.9+ combat is more fun than mashing
• I will never use birch wood

+ Best game in the series
+ 15 mostly interesting sports, has something for everyone
+ Weirdly robust worldbuilding for a sports minigame compilation
+ Island Flyover, Swordplay and Bowling are still some of the best sports in the series

- Not every sports works perfectly, especially Power Cruising and Basketball can be very weird and difficult to control correctly
- The game does require MotionPlus to work correctly

+ Enjoyable and fun levels
+ Great co-op in levels and outside of them (one of the first Lego games to implement splitscreen)
+ Solid music
+ Movies adapted faithfully and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull works really well as a Lego game
+ The old Lego formula is timeless
+ Stage builder makes this game exceptionally replayable
+ Hubworld level design is interesting in how it works almost like a metroidvania

- Many don’t like how the hubworld restricts you to using each movie’s characters
- Haven’t played the first one, but most seem to think the original is better so take that as you will
- The emphasis on Crystal Skull - even dividing it into multiple parts - can get tiring
- Chase/vehicle levels can be a bit finicky and hard to drive on depending on that level’s specific camera

AM2R: Return of Samus is 2D Metroid at its absolute finest. A familiar but beautifully distinct pixelated art style, buttery smooth controls that rival that of Dread's, some of the best music and remixes in the franchise, and perhaps most importantly, a keen understanding of what makes Metroid games - and Metroid II in particular - so special.

AM2R masterfully understands the original's intentions of being a mature, somber story. It has its bombastic moments, but knows how to use them well and sparingly. Its realistically crafted world is filled with mementos of a bygone, highly technologically advanced and civilized era, occasionally littered with the Federation troopers that arrived to try and tame the ancient threat the Chozo once created in the Metroid species. Somehow, it even still manages to feel alive, or at least having once been alive, as its environmental storytelling is some of the best a 2D pixel art game has managed to convey, putting Metroid: Samus Returns' palette-swapped cave hallways to shame.

As the only 2D Metroid game to date to ever include Prime-like logbook entries, AM2R elevates the original's story to new heights while weaving it around - and in the context of - the rest of the saga. This is the definitive way to experience Metroid II, and even a surprisingly good way to get into the franchise as a whole. I should know.

(Disclaimer: most pros and cons listed don’t take comparisons to Metroid Dread into account, because it’s such an inherently differently playing game)

+ Best 2D Metroid in the original style
+ Great hybrid combination of realistic, modern lighting and retro graphics
+ Excellent movement and best Shinespark puzzles in the franchise alongside Zero Mission
+ Updates enormously on original Metroid II and is leagues better and more authentic as a remake than Samus Returns
+ Most cohesive worldbuilding and lore out of any 2D Metroid, including grippingly believable logbook entries that add to the already powerful story
+ Unbelievably good music
+ Adds multiple areas absent from the original and official remake
+ Fast travel system and hubworld-like level design is incredibly satisfying to utilize and explore
+ Added connections to almost every game in the series including Fusion and the Prime games
+ Similarly to Super, you can create different kinds of beams by switching them around in the menu
+ Gameplay is simply polished to perfection
+ Still being updated, including support for a launcher and mods!
+ Genuinely almost incomparable in its greatness in relation to previous 2D Metroid titles

- Almost the only negatives the game has are strictly caused by the original game’s limitations
• Metroid evolutions can get a bit repetitive, especially at the end when they become more spongey
• Lots of vertical hallways (though they’re thankfully very differentiated)
• Lore explanation for the world progressively opening up is still a bit silly
• Item progression is insanely fast in the beginning and then slows down to an appropriate level, making the pacing feel off (you get ~4 major upgrades in the first area alone)
- Widescreen mode is currently a bit bugged out (will edit out this problem when it inevitably gets patched)

+ The new beam switching and visor systems are insanely interesting and pair well with different missile combos
+ Excellent world design and good lore
+ Some of the best music in the entire franchise
+ Gorgeous game for its time
+ Unmatching atmosphere
+ Map is well designed in the way how it opens up new portions of previous areas like a puzzle cube unraveling itself

- Backtracking is still very rudimentary and one of the areas of the game is basically just used as a long corridor to connect areas with each other so you have to pass through it to get to another
- The most annoying late-game fetch quest out of any game in the saga, including Prime Hunters
- Undoubtedly the Prime Trilogy game that has aged the worst visually, but even then it still looks good
- Story is fairly simple, aside from Chozo (and some Space Pirate) lore there is little to delve into deeper unlike in future installments in the trilogy and the main plot doesn't shine in its uniqueness
- To people who have played Super Metroid, it becomes very obvious how the game is at times literally just taking that game and making it playable in 3D

+ Best game in the trilogy
+ Combines everything that worked in 1 and 3 to make the near-perfect Metroid Prime experience
+ Very interesting lore
+ Arguably most difficult game in the trilogy which is appreciated
+ World is designed to be the easiest and most convenient to backtrack out of any game in the trilogy
+ Closest to a horror game the franchise has been alongside Fusion and Dread
+ Character designs are the absolute best in the trilogy, with Samus' suits being a major highlight
+ One of the best item progressions out of any metroidvania
+ Main mechanic of switching between Aether and Dark Aether creates very satisfying puzzle elements

- Aside from a few key locations, the entire world is very drab and samey-looking (while this does add to the world's realism, it detracts from the stunning vistas that 1 and especially 3 are able to offer)
- Music mostly isn't as memorable as in 1, but still a bit better than most in 3
- Boss designs oftentimes look almost identical aside from a few great exceptions

+ Amazing story for a Metroid game
+ Worldbuilding and graphics are impeccable for its time and even today (one of the best-looking games on Wii alongside Xenoblade Chronicles and Super Mario Galaxy)
+ Atmosphere is incredible
+ Fitting conclusion to the trilogy, but still leaves the door open for interesting stories to come in the Prime saga
+ Nostalgic to me, first Metroid game I ever played

- Beam stacking system isn't nearly as satisfying as a mechanic as beam switching from the previous two games
- Music isn't as memorable as in the previous two
- While an undoubtedly interesting concept, Hypermode is handled a bit poorly and results in enemies either being unbelievably spongey or way too easy (poor combat balance)
- Much more linear than previous two games, which wouldn't necessarily be a problem otherwise but the backtracking from 1 and 2 are still present so you'll have to traverse a lot of the earlier rooms again (if you can't call your Gunship to a landing site nearby, which admittedly is an option sometimes)