One of my favorite games of all time, and this is coming from someone that's not too into roguelikes. It's super accessible, stylish and all-around addicting.

Nintendo's been spoiling me this year between TOTK, Metroid Prime Remastered, Pikmin 4, and now this (and plenty of other stuff, too).

God, this game is unbelievably creative. It was like every other level, I kept thinking "What in the world are they gonna do next?" And then they did something insane. I don't know if it's my ABSOLUTE favorite 2D Mario game (Super Mario World is incredibly tough to surpass), but this is another reminder of why Super Mario Bros. remains one of my all-time favorite franchises in gaming.

This was my first proper mainline Bethesda game that I played.

It must be a good thing I haven't played the others because after 5 hours with this...I didn't get it.

It's fun if you like fast-traveling and loading screens, but that's about it.

I enjoyed the first game but, to me, this is a leaps and bounds improvement over it. Much more feature-packed and polished, and the fighting mechanics are so much better this time around. It feels like the devs at Ludosity were actually given some time to let it cook this time around, and it feels like NASB is really coming into its own here. Given how much I kept coming back to the first game, I see myself spending a lot of time with this one.

My brother and I used to have a lot of fun with this back in the day. The story mode was super fun, and the Toy Box was awesome. Even though Toy Story 2 is seen as the gold standard for games based on animated movies, Toy Story 3 was a more than worthy successor.

(UPDATE: This was originally logged on the PlayStation 3, but I recently got the game on Xbox 360 and properly completed it, so I changed the platform. My thoughts are about the same, so I didn't change anything else in my review)

I played like a few minutes of it after unlocking it when I beat Zero Mission. Yeah, I'm really stretching the limits of what games I'm logging here.

But from the little bit I played, Zero Mission is a smoother version with less "datedness," so to speak. I'd probably say to just go for that version, unless you're a stickler for the historical experience.

The only thing I felt while playing this was disappointment that Capcom made this and not a new Dino Crisis.

The little I played of this didn't capture my attention. It felt super formulaic, and the fact that it's a live service supremely took away a lot of my interest.

Oh, to be a wide-eyed kid drinking Nestea/Brisk Iced Tea while free-roaming around the vast maps of Springfield.

Actually beating the game in 2017 made me realize just how much my childlike innocence had left me. It's certainly not a bad game, but I wouldn't say it's aged as gracefully to me.

Still wouldn't mind seeing it get a remake.

As a noted member of the "I Stopped Playing Yu-Gi-Oh After Fusion/Ritual Cards" club, this hits me right in my nostalgic feels.

It was always just fun to have a version of the card game on the go without having to carry around decks of cards. I still enjoy it now, especially as someone who is well past the point of being able to understand how Synchros, XYZs, Pendulums and...whatever the other one is called...work.

Pretty good. Kinda like a throwback to action games from the 360/PS3 era. Nothing mind-blowing but it's worth a play.

Still one of the most clever and inventive platformers that I've played. The bongos were not detrimental to the experience at all for me. Also really cool just how much this game inspired Super Mario Galaxy.

This was an absolute crock of shit.

It's not the "peak" 3D platformer I expected, and there's definitely some jank here, but this is a fun, clever little game that gets a nice boost from its creativity and concepts.

Honestly, pretty clever for its time. Shows a bit of age, sure, but it's not all that bad of a game.

I don't know how they topped Remake, but they did. Gameplay is even more varied, characters are just as great as ever, storytelling hits all the right emotional notes...holy hell, this is incredible.

How in the world could they top this with Part 3?