Deserves to be on the same level as the Fromsoft greats. The masterful fusion of the parry system from Sekiro and the aggressive style of Bloodborne results in the best combat system in a Souslike. My GOTY 2023.

For a game that has so many flaws, it's perfect.

A game this beautiful running at a locked 60 frames on Switch is absolute wizardry.

It is very rare for me to finish a game I dislike. This is one of those times.

I am very thankful for Destiny 2, as it killed my addiction to the franchise.

Such a wonderful experience. I had a lot of fun playing this with my buddy. The creativity on display with the level design and gameplay variety is top notch. It’s an easy recommendation from me.

A brutally hard platformer that borders on insanity for achievement hunters, Crash 4 is an excellent time for those that don’t mind high octane high difficulty platforming goodness.

Home of some of my best and worst gaming memories. I hate and love it simultaneously, and I cannot deny its influence on my youth.

A tricky one to review. My excitement while playing can be displayed as a negative graph, starting out extremely strong and eventually petering (get it?) out. It is evident that this game was rushed to release before it was ready, as the third act is clearly half-baked and the numerous game breaking bugs. However, I want to say that this is indeed a good game. I am still looking forward to the third title in the series and Insomniac’s Wolverine.