Good game! I got it from PS+ and I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of graphics and level design. It also has something really cool happen for its final act that I did not expect at all

Good sequel to an already good game. The moral quandaries got more interesting, as did the characters they added and kept. Was also cool how it used the data of your ending from last game. I should really get to playing 3 sometime

i am not writing an essay but this is my favorite visual novel and one of my favorite works of media in the world

Nice game. Good tactical combat and hits you with those hard to make decisions in story as well as combat. Nice characters as well.

It's an enjoyable platformer, though as much as it hurts to say, I don't really see the quality that a statement like "It took 9 years to make this" promises.

I like the plot and characters well enough but the fact that spells cause the combat to pause is so brutal for the experience. I could only stomach it for so long

I see what this game was trying to do but I don't think it succeeded. It was basically asking for me to make morally questionable choices as a part of my job, like a papers please type game, except it gave me no stakes. No real reason to do these things, cause my character is literally already dead and the only things I can buy with my pay are worthless trinkets. Maybe that's the point? I don't know. I got it for free, so no real loss.

Biggest complaint is that it's too short, so that's a good sign. I would've also liked more of the metroidvania stuff, but the length makes it understandable for why they couldn't do that.

Cool game! I think in terms of substance there isn't too much, but the game has good presentation, good atmosphere, a good concept, and, critically, it knows just when to end, making for a memorable experience that doesn't wear out its welcome. We love short indie games

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FATAL ERROR: SAVIOR NOT FOUND. SHUTTING DOWN is a fucking gut punch of a quote

Incredibly good game, this isn't even a "it was super satisfying to finish it" type deal I just think it's really fun throughout the whole thing.

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I feel like anyone could've seen the ending coming, which lessens the impact a bit. Still good overall, and I respect the innovation behind the controls.

Gameplay-wise, I already had fundamental problems with XC3's combat, and this didn't really fix them, but it was passable as ever.

Story-wise, I enjoyed myself a lot. It truly felt like a culmination of the entire series and was a wonderful conclusion to this arc while still having an identity of its own. (No fucking way Nintendo lets Xenoblade die for good let's be real). It was great seeing Shulk again. I greatly respect the decision to have this as the DLC and not as the main game.

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I wish I liked this game more. It has the best combat in the series and has a super cool premise for its plot, but it just falls flat. The debt cripples the pacing pretty damn well, but even without that, the first half of the game feels super dry as it takes longer than necessary to give you your old party members back and nothing interesting happens while it does that. The alternate universes premise is super interesting, as is the fact that you're wiping them out, but the game doesn't do nearly enough with this as a moral quandary or as a storytelling device. I can think of a ton of AUs that they could've written in that would've been more interesting than some of the ones they kept. The villain was incredibly lame unlike in the last game. Though I will say that the bad ending was peak fiction.
I see why people love this game, but I can't bring myself to do it.