I can't possibly come up with an original thought on Skyrim. I enjoyed it though.

This is a really fun little game that's great for more casual play sessions, maybe when you've got something on the TV. Familiar characters mode is the best part hands-down, and I'll always remember the time I spent surviving the apocalypse with my best friend as our own little pixelated avatars.

This is arguably Supergiant's worst game, which means it's still pretty great. If you're a fan of Hades I strongly recommend checking this game out to see where it all began.

This is a good one. The combat's solid and the atmosphere's great. An easy recommendation for any fans of the Caped Crusader.

This is a really goofy game but it also provides some solid action platforming gameplay, and the different playable Bros all have remarkably deep and varied gameplay mechanics. Unfortunately, this does mean some are much better than others.

This is a charming game with an engaging story and some genuinely gorgeous setpieces. Unfortunately, it's held back a bit by some unnecessarily slow gameplay and a few puzzles that are just a bit too obtuse for their own good.

This is a charming but ultimately forgettable little game. The gameplay isn't deep and the side content is completely trivial, but the main story is solid and the presentation and worldbuilding is great. There's something surprisingly peaceful about driving a flying car through a dystopian megacity, it's just a shame the game doesn't do a bit more with the premise.

This is a beautiful game with a gorgeous soundtrack and a lot of heart. It's hard but worth it. This is a game I'll be thinking about for a long time.

It's also extremely cute.


This is a charming little game with some very cute level design, and while it doesn't really do anything wrong, it doesn't do much to stand out either. Still a good time for a 3D platformer fan looking to burn a few hours, though.

This is a solid open world shooter whose story is questionable at best. It's carried by the legendary performance of Michael Mando as the antagonist Vaas, though, and that will always be an impressive show of video game acting.

This is a mediocre game that completely fails to live up to its promising premise due in large part to some very lackluster writing.

This is an impressive story-based game that has definitely earned the critical acclaim it's received, though I struggle to rate it much higher than 3.5 due to some dialogue choices that don't quite work.

I really enjoyed this game, if only because it let me live out a mafia fantasy I've had for a long time now. It's the cars, man, I love those cars.

This is a gorgeous little puzzle game. It's extremely short, and very easy to beat in one sitting, but the level design is definitely worth experiencing nonetheless.

This game iterates on the original title's puzzles in some truly fascinating ways. There's a marked difference between the design philosophies of the two games, and while I struggle to put it into words, they definitely both stand on their own. I might even prefer the second one a bit, even though the first had some truly unforgettable setpieces in its own right.