The base game is decent, but the workshop community makes some really fun shiz! Best played with your friends, but I even found enjoyment when I played alone!

It plays out like a well-written Alfred Hitchcock movie, where the most compelling aspects are the conspiracies stewing in your mind. The lonely, yet vibrant open-world hosts many heartbreaking secrets and mysteries that fuel those conspiracies even further, while grounding the story in a harshly realistic setting.

There's a lot more to say about the quality of this game, like the compelling vocal performances, or the stunning art direction, but to say the least, it's an amazing experience that you should jump into whenever you get the chance.

Follow up review after 100% Completion: Yeah...
Achievement hunting is maddening. No fast travel, hard to find echoes and secrets, and oddly specific requirements to fill for no reason. There's really no achievement bonus either so I don't recommend the process. Play through the story, it's truly great, but stop there for your sanity's sake.

This game always pissed me off just by looking at it. Idk how to adequately describe it, but it's like that guy with a punch-able face. I want to punch this game in the face.

Quite possibly the best game I've ever played, but mark my words... Silksong will be better!

I speedrun for this game and it's hysterical how easy it is once you understand how the controls work. It's also kind of therapeutic to continuously beat the game over and over, so yeah... I think it's good.


It's beautiful, and I really like/fear the ocean. So I like it from a fundamental level, but the gameplay - while tranquil - isn't super compelling or... fun. It's a nice and short experience, so yeah play it if you want to idk.


In the span of three weeks I've spent 75 hours doing everything you can possibly do in this game. It's truly very fun. IF you consider a lack of variety for weapons, upgrades, synergies, and bosses to be a bad thing, then there's a chance you won't enjoy this as much as you would Gungeon or Isaac, but I promise you the game makes up for that with a wonderful cast of characters, a great story, fun-but-slightly-repetitive gameplay, and gorgeous music and visuals. I personally wouldn't recommend 100%-ing the game, but it's not a worthless experience in that aspect.
On another note, I wish there was more romance options, as the surprising addition of romancing was really interesting until I found out that the only options were three pretty unattractive people. Let me swoon Charon, you cowards!

I'm happy that so many people got so much enjoyment out of this, to the point that it's overwhelmingly high rated on every platform, but... I just don't see what's so fantastic about it. The Flying Mechanics are fun as hell admittedly, and the Anglerfish stuff is horrifying but exciting! Exploration is fun, but it never really feels rewarding, so after glossing over each planet several times, I never really felt any motivation to keep going. The characters were hollow, which really took me out of the story sometimes, causing me to miss some crucial stuff (Which is my fault, mostly). I did force myself to finish the game, because from what I heard it sounded grandiose! It was good, not much more.

It's upsetting that I'm the only person who wasn't changed by this game, and maybe I just missed something important, but I don't think that's the case. I had to google how to beat the game because my explorations were getting me nowhere, and I think I've seen mostly everything there is to see now. It's a good game, and I won't take that away from anybody, but it just didn't do it for me.


Goofy as shit, but as someone who played the Trombone and eats lots of hot dogs, this is my kind of game!

Contrary to the popular opinion, I like motion control games.
That being said the mini-games are still just average. I love the boards though, especially the tycoon one, which has got to be one of the best in the whole series! Great roster and music too! MC Ballyhoo and Big Top are considered legends to me.

I had a great time! The dialogue is shockingly genuine, there was never a point where I didn't want to say one of the options, and that's incredible for a dating sim! I'm also thankful this game didn't end with like a suicide or anything, that's such a relief for this genre lmao.

I crave this game as quickly as I grow tired of it. If only Nintendo made a sequel on the Switch that added tons of new and fun content to keep you interested, and gave you the Mii Maker from Miitopia, then MAYBE we'd have an easy masterpiece on our hands, but alas I have to return to this game every few years to get my fix.

A batshit crazy, pizza-fueled feast! Pizza Tower came way out of left field packing one hell of a game for our starving bellies. The insane visuals, electric soundtrack, and a slew of many great surprises, makes bolting through the Pizza Tower addictingly fun. While some levels are more fun than others, this game achieves everything you'd ever want from a platformer. Great Movement, Great Music, Great Level Design, Great Bosses, Great Humor, and a blast of an ending! Hell, even the completionist difficulty is perfectly on-point! Enough said, go give this game and it's creators some love!

I played this while also watching Neon Genesis Evangelion for the first time, and somehow it fit cartoonishly well.