Way too fucking short but the start of one of the coolest things ever.

2016 was the hardest year of my life. Pokémon Go was the ONLY thing I had to keep me happy, and for that I will cherish it forever.
I've decided that this game doesn't really deserve a number score, as the worth it has to me, it's worth to the world, and it's overall quality, are all vastly different and impossible to generalize.
The last thought I have is Pokémon GO TO THE POLLS.

This was the Subspace Emissary before the Subspace Emissary. I played this so much as a kid, but after playing through the entire thing again as an adult, I realize that it's actually surprisingly good?! Like the platforming is fun, the cutscenes are great, the music slaps, and the roster of characters is solid! The ending is extremely rushed and unsatisfying, which is a massive disappointment, but I'm shocked that everything else was as fine as it is.

Oddly, I never cared for the Galaxy games as a kid, so I have absolutely no bias for this games quality. I don't feel bad saying that the Comet Observatory is an overrated and boring hub, or that there's a dozen stars that are simply not fun to get. With that said, I can see why it's universally loved. The soundtrack is perfection, the level design is perfection, the gameplay and pretty much everything else is perfection... I'd say it was a perfect game if it wasn't for all the small things that annoyed me. So accept my 9/10 and move on.

I think I love this game, it's just the perfect experience for me. I just love the creativity on display, the beautifully simple visual style, and extremely cozy music that makes this one of the most comfortable gaming experiences I've ever had. I just get lost in the gameplay; it's so entrancing and smooth that it feels like an actual vacation to play this. So play it!

Replayed it today for it's 5th anniversary, and I just gotta speak my peace about this game. To me, it's a masterpiece. No, it's a miracle. Growing up on Super Mario 64 made me CRAVE for another game in the same vein, which Galaxy and Galaxy 2 didn't deliver in my opinion. When Super Mario Odyssey was announced, I cried tears of joy. When it released I cried tears of joy. When I played it for the first time on Christmas Morning, 2017, I wept.

Here I am, five years later, and I teared up at the opening title screen. The Cascade Kingdom Music, the First Moon, the Odyssey taking flight... it returned to me all of the overwhelming emotions I felt in 2017. The endless amount of fun, creativity, beauty, and charm that this game has, is unmatched in my gaming experiences, and there will never be a point where I get tired of this game. It's just perfect. Happy Birthday you beautiful fucking game.

The only game where the "fast travel" option is entirely useless and unnecessary. With the exception of one or two sections that interrupt the Spidey-Shenanigans, this game is fantastic! Or am I supposed to say Amazing? So much is done great: the music, the open-world, the story, the web-swinging, the combat, and especially the visuals! It's so much fun to play, that 100% completing the game wasn't even that bad! I definitely recommend this game, it's now one of my favorite pieces of Spider-Man content, and that means a lot!

Fuck Toby Fox for making me fall in love with a game and then disappearing for three full fucking years to make the next one. THE JOKE IS ON YOU FOX! I SPENT HALF A YEAR TO FINISH THIS CHAPTER, SO NOW I ONLY HAVE TO WAIT 2 1/2 YEARS!

For a game where the only promised gameplay is that you walk down a corridor, I can say with absolute certainty that you do in fact walk down a corridor.

Charming puzzle game, but I feel like the puzzles could be a lot more fun. By the last few puzzle boxes I was just ready for it to be over. The sequels handle this much better though, and I don't fault the first game for having first game limitations.

Oh yeah, this is a sexy sequel. Better than the original in every way. Exciting new rooms to explore, unique and challenging puzzles to solve, and the perfect amount of content! (Weirdly, I played this game before the first, but from here on out I'll play them in order. I can't wait for The Room 3!)

Extremely short and has a very weird sense of humor. I like it :)
Can't wait for the sequel!

With all the love and support in my heart I have to ask: Have the developers heard of Unturned?

But in all seriousness the foundation for a good game is there, and I do hope development goes well! The game is pretty aimless at the moment, but I'm sure that'll change in due time. There's a lot of fun Easter Eggs too!


You can't fool me, this is just S1E2 of Love, Death, and Robots except we're the cat and the world is full of robots.

Great game though! Really enjoyed it all and I didn't think it was too short like some people were complaining about. It's not outstanding in any particular way, but it's a fun well-rounded adventure!

Also, there's an extended Back to the Future reference, so that's epic.

It's funny how you can come back to this game after literally any amount of time and you remember every single thing you were doing like it's only been an hour.

It's a perfect game, and we must pray to ConcernedApe every night for this marvelous gift.