I absolutely freaking love this art style, with these exaggerated facial expressions and cartoony ass movements!
Amazing game, better then Sonic Mania imo...
And the music is goofy and energetic, perfectly fitting!

It was perfect!
Down to the last minute detail.

The music is enchanting, The gameplay is superb, The characters are funny.
What more could I ever want from a game!

This game freaking hates the players guts for playing it!

Great visuals, great animations and character design, but I didn't really enjoy it that much, I mean don't get me wrong, I think it's an ok game, a good crash sequel, but the thing is.. It didn't do anything new in particular, it didn't add anything new to the traditional formula, that's not a bad thing at all but, the original crash bandicoot ps1 formula feels so dated now, I felt like playing an old clunky ps1 game with a fresh new paint of visuals and animations, add to that, the game is HARD, and not challenging hard as in like donkey kong country games, It's frustratingly hard, to the point where you start asking yourself "why do I even bother playing?", I mean, half of the goddamn time I died it wasn't even my fault, it was the games fault, and it demands perfect accuracy from the player but the character movements and controls are clunky and slippery at best! unlike Celest which also demanded perfect accuracy but the controls there are tight as hell!
overall, not a bad game at all, just not a one I will be playing after I reach the credits.

What An amazing adventure,
It just might be my favorite Zelda game, Idk

Straight up, best detective experience I ever had in any kind of media!
Yes, I'm looking at you L.A Noire, fuck off!!

Clunky and full of bugs, but nice visuals, nonetheless.

Great experience, I haven't played many point and click type games before, but now after finishing this one, I think I need to dive deeper into that genre of games.

It was fun, the music especially is great!

The spiritual successor to half-life 1, I really loved the fast based gameplay, but the story couldn't get through my head.

I'm not really into his kind of games, it was a drag for me personally, but I didn't regret playing it either, I appreciated the ambition that went into it.

The fantasy of being a detective from the late 60s was amusing at first, but then the game became repetitive, and the writing wasn't that engaging tbh.
I don't think I'll ever finish it, sorry.