This one, sir. This is my favorite Smash game. I know its unbalanced and has a lot of gimmicks people don't like. The aesthetic is really decisive and the online was (from what I heard, never played online) pretty bad. But, this game nails two big things for me. One, it is super fun to play this game with a group of people. Two, Subspace is peak.

This game is equal parts amazing and agonizing. I think the inclusion of so many characters is amazing (I popped off on my iPhone 4S as a kid when Pac-Man got announced for 4), but I think the online community that gathered around these reveals got worse and worse as time moved forward. I genuinly feel for those who did not get the guy or gal they wanted, especially considering I got Pyra/Mythra. I am still waiting on Dame Da Ne Guy tho. I think this game is a really fun game to play with friends and a shit game to play online with randoms. Also this one does have Steve so thats pretty crazy

I still own this one. Played it a lot as a kid with my siblings. A reminder of better times.

This does have Pac-Man arrangement. That's all you need to get 4 stars minimum, but this collection suffers the recent Pac-Family erasure issue plaguing modern Pac-Man. For a Pac-Man collection, it does have a pretty good amount of games from the main man himself. First time playing Pac-Land, not that bad other than the skill issue giant jump I cannot land consistently to save my runs.

I bought this game for 15 dollars at a convention because I saw the words Pac-Man and Party together, Can confirm this is the worst Pac-Man related game I have ever played. Man

At the end of the day, its still Pac-Man

It can have more stars when EPIC stops making shitty decisions and puts Majima in the game

There are so many One Piece charecters, of course they need a gacha game. My hot take is they should make a Cowgirl Robin and make her a top tier so the game can be awesome

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Xenoblade 3 was already peak, but the combat and design of this game elevate it even more. Yeah the story is a little confusing at points (especially if you have not played all the games), but this game really is the best Xenoblade has to offer (IMO)

Leave it to Uncle Rex!

I want to rate this game 4.5, but I can't. That level up system is so shit. Coatless Kiryu is my 2nd favorite Kiryu right behind IW Kiryu. I really wish Haruka got to do more. This game is awesome, faults and all.

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Holy god, is this game huge. 5 playable chareters, playable HARUKA, , so much going on. The story kept me guessing and I really enjoyed newbie Shinada the goat. I hope he is living his best life. I dont really like Baba but he gave us I believe in you so its an even trade. So Much More is unironically one of my favorite songs period.

Also Majima death announcement over the Taxi radio had be literally like "Kiryu cares so much", this game handles its huge cast so well for the most part

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This game has one of the most bombastic Yakuza soundtracks of the bunch. Akiyama is great, I just wish they knew what to do with him after this. Tanimura was okay, but his final boss, despite the gameplay, was one of the best thematically and that intro is so awesome. Speed Star, Infinite Handcuffs, THE MYTH? Banger after banger, play this game and ignore the one Saejima scene they just could not help but put in the game for some reason.

Also the rubber bullets is so funny in hindsight.

My thoughts on 3 have really shifted over time. I love Okinawa, I love the orhpanage, I love Kiryu, I love most all the characters and Mine. My only problem is this one feels clunky to play and the Lao fight can suck my balls, stop blocking please. I think if this games combat had grabbed me, it would have been better received by me. I DONT want a Kiwami 3 unless they make it good. Dad Kiryu is best Kiryu

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Okay look, I know this is super low for a YAKUZA game, but I did not enjoy my time with this game. The story was the big thing that I actually did enjoy, but the level-up system and the green filters are atrocious. It is weird, because I actually loved 6 except for the level up system in that game. Dragon engine is fine, just not for an older game like 2. This is one I really want to experience the original of someday. When the game does look pretty, it looks pretty. Ryuji Goda really is in the top tier of Yakuza "villains".