A classic platformer that will teach you discipline. The heavy movement and stiff attacks make it so you have to really learn enemy patterns and weaknesses.

Castlevania is a very humble beginning for the gothic-themed action platformer, but it's still a charming game nonetheless. The music is considerably a strong point for this experience.

A bit more than a glorified tech demo for the SNES' "Mode-7" capabilities, F-Zero is a humble racing game encased in a simple design that's easy to understand.

The jazzy soundtrack is also a delight, as it envelops you well in its futuristic (and flat) atmosphere. While it might not wow many people these days, the sequels it would spawn are the REAL take-offs for this franchise.

You ever wonder how some classics can be really short, but built to last for newcomers? Mega Man is the prime example. Feels good to run, shoot, and jump! . . . BUT the game is hard as hell, especially near the end! It feels almost unfair at times.

A lot of parts feel like beginner's traps, at least that's how I saw it back when I was younger getting into these games. Still, it makes for a satisfying playthrough--especially when I get myself to used the gained abilities on enemies-- and the original score is great too!

The ultimate 2D run-n-gun! Contra III takes the standards that the NES titles set, and destroys them with its updated visuals, faster-paced action, and insane scenarios!

The controls feel excellent, the music is awesome as well as fitting for each stage, and the bosses are a sight to behold! The only thing slightly holding it back are the overhead stages showing off SNES' "mode-7" faux-3D capabilities, but they don't last too long as it is. A badass and tough-as-nails run-n-gun game!

I remember playing this for hours while waiting for the PS4 midnight launch. It was okay I guess lol

A sequel to a game that never warranted one. No More Heroes 2 is a decent title in its own right, as the hack-n-slash combat still feels pretty good. However, it feels more flawed than the original game (whereas it should've been a step-up), and the story itself feels a little too in-your-face with its characterizations in lieu of a profound narrative.

Still, there's a lot to appreciate, such as the great soundtrack, unique boss designs, and it overall bares some of that blazing style that Grasshopper Manufacture is known for.

NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH THE ORIGINAL WII GAME. This is a terrible demake of the original No More Heroes, which is a masterpiece. With the original version being ported onto Switch and PC in recent years, there are finally more suitable versions for people that simply want to play the game with traditional controls. Below is my handy list on why this awful, janky, glitchy, ugly port is one to avoid.

Reasons why Heroes' Paradise is dogshit;
-Nobody at GhM worked on it
-Horribly ugly texture replacements on literally everything, most character models look like laminated turds
-The blood effect when killing enemies looks particularly awful. Instead of the spraying liquid effect from the Wii version, it looks like PNG files falling out of their bodies
-Terrible sound design (fucking with Fukuda's sound design should be considered an act of treason on humanity)
-Horrible framerate, it's like 20 with constant dips (original game had unlocked framerate that would sometimes be 60, Switch and PC have much more stable 60 fps consistency)
-Gameplay is literally slower, and has asinine mechanics added to make it drag even more
-The extra bosses are just poorly programmed NMH2 bosses
-The premium they put on "QOL" changes go so far as lopping off like a quarter of the Santa Destroy map
-There's stupid-ass glitches, most notable one is how the execution move likes to randomly miss
-All the extra DLC stuff is cosmetic junk, most that will probably get modded into the PC version

Please don't allow newcomers to play this version with PS3's horrible loading times.

An incredible survival horror game that managed to stand up against the already-famous Resident Evil titan at the time! Silent Hill 1 is a chilling experience full of brain-teasing puzzles, impeccable sound design, and a mesmerizing atmosphere!

The latter is especially impressive, as all the venues you explore as Harry Mason look and feel like well-furnished areas that were once lived in, rather than set-pieces for a video game. The story is also fantastic and make it very believable that someone like Harry would put himself through this nightmare of a town.

A desperate father looking for his daughter, the only thing left he loves in this world. He has to claw his way through these hellscapes to find the ultimate truth, while you discover the tragedies of other characters involved! Silent Hill is awesome.

A great rhythm game that, for better or for worse, changed that genre's path forever. Guitar Hero is a really cute and charming little piece that is great to look back at, especially after seeing how bloated and ridiculous it became a mere few years later. The song covers are definitely rough, but it all works for this fun game about hitting multi-colored buttons on a stick.

Say what you want about this franchise and the parties involved, but Guitar Hero itself has this dirty little soul that I love to see.

I've played hundreds upon hundreds of hours of this game where at first I was merely enjoying the game, but it devolved to the point where the only "fun" I was having was actually winning an online match. Awesomenauts is a cool, 2D MOBA with a charming art style. However, the competitive scene just gets really frustrating, especially for someone like me that doesn't really play MOBAs at all. I was pretty high-ranked too, but it's been a while since I've played it. The enjoyment I used to feel from this game is long gone.

If a sequel was ever announced, I would get it at launch like the whore I am.

A driving game that's so awesome, SEGA is a possessive douche to anyone that wants to make one similar to it! I didn't get into Crazy Taxi until a local arcade randomly got it and I slowly became obsessed with clearing it with high rankings.

One of the most rowdy arcade driving games ever made, nothing compares to its breakneck pace! It feels incredible to drive the vehicle and understand its mechanics, building up a score by attending customers is supremely satisfying, the soundtrack is very fitting, and the visuals are so colorful and charming! The game really breathes with that SEGA arcade heart I miss so dearly.

A great overhead brawler with charming visuals, and arcadey gameplay! Hotline Miami is a gritty, visceral game with an interesting narrative. The mechanic of approaching each stage differently by choosing a mask is great for when you're learning the game. Of course, you'll be able to stick to just one as you get closer to mastering the game.

A straight-forward sequel to the genre-defining Contra, Super C is more of that goodness you expect with slight tweaks, such as weapon "upgrades" when you pick-up the same weapon twice. They also went with overhead stages instead of the third-person scenarios from the first game, which is a slight improvement.

Contra and Super C are both suitable for beginners that want to start getting into the run-n-gun subgenre, as its sequels would up the ante in all departments, including the challenging gameplay!

My favorite Resident Evil game of the franchise. The ultimate sequel, where just about everything was better! The visuals, the animations, the story, the mechanics, everything was so refined and it made for an unforgettable experience back when I was a kid! And it's still so great to go back to every once in a while! The centerpiece story of the Birkin family is one that always stuck with me since I was a kid, and I still love witnessing it now.

I also can't harp enough how fantastic its introduction is. No tutorial, no explanation of how it controls (unless you read the instruction manual). This game throws you in the deep end while shouting "good luck!" as multiple zombies on fire are walking towards you the second you're given control. A terrifying start. What a bunch of dirty, rotten geniuses!

Who doesn't know gosh-darn Mario, and what could I say that hasn't been already said?

It's great. And ESPECIALLY for 1985, the controls are responsive and excellent. I sometimes go through the game without warps and remind myself how tough it actually is. Super Mario Bros. wasn't the first platformer ever made, but it's certainly the one that would change the face of it forever.