“They’re Forty Dollars!”

~Horribly compressed GBA Toad and DK - 2004

Castle Clearout Carries this whole thing

I put Mr. Crocker from the Fairly OddParents in this bitch

Go on. run right with a Wheelie helper behind you, do a short hop backwards and get rid of the wheelie helper with A on the same exact frame you ride him causing both the Wheelie helper and Kirby to rise and freeze in midair, and then while in this state have an enemy hit you
I fucking dare you

The Yoshi Clan stays on during sex

Really weird how it took Nintendo 20 years after this to make another Yoshi game considering how great this was

Oh well, they probably took their time to make sure that it wasn’t a piss-easy romp to the point of being able to beat in under an hour or have the soundtrack made up exclusively of kazoos or for some reason shoehorn Bowser into the game with no rhyme or reason like how Star Wars brought back Palpatine in Rise of Skywalker.

Unironically would’ve preferred if this got ported for a 3rd time to the Switch instead of Crafted World, but I suppose we can’t have nice things all the time

This is the video game equivalent to a liminal space after seeing the Super Mario wonder trailer

Also I hope whoever thought it would be a brilliant idea to make the midair twirl move accessed by pressing the jump button twice and not pressing the shoulder button by default with the only option to change it being to input a cheat code on the title screen that no part of the game brings up gets wet socks


Except for Pyribbit
Fuck Pyribbit

He really wasn’t kidding when Wario said this was one of his greatest achievements

Definitely one of the Mega Man Games I’ve ever played

TBH I probably would’ve enjoyed it more if I was actually allowed to use cyber elves and not be forced to grind more than cheese grater

PepperMan is now my spirit animal

I actually did a replay of this game with the Exefs patch that allows you to actually control the CPU party members and my god, it actually feels like an actual RPG and not a conveyor belt simulator

Still holding out hope for Tomodachi life 2

Really ballsy of HAL to make this the hardest game to 100% in the series

And none of that difficulty actually comes from the main platforming gameplay but instead trying to get 28 eggs in the egg catcher minigame on level 3

This is the most kid friendly mass genocide simulator I’ve ever played