Oh so wonderfully charming. A delight to the eyes and ears. Let's we go, amigo!

As someone who has no little with rhythm games beyond playing Rock Band in the late 2000s, I was pleasantly surprised with how forgiving this game was. Not that I aced any games, but I'm glad it let me play to the end of the main story.

I can only hope that given enough time I'm left with just the good memories of this game. It's superb by 1991 standards. The exploration, feeling of progress, humour and charm are amazing. Putting it all together made it hard to put this game down.

But I can't help but be left with a bit of a sour taste in my mouth, and it all stems from the dungeons. At times it felt like the game was trying to frustrate me with the enemy placement, and at the worst of times it seemed that it was playing a practical joke on me. Having two levers - one that opens the path forward, and one that drops a bunch of enemies on you - is just... not fun. It's as if the game's comedy has a twisted side.

It's beyond good for the time. No question about that. Timeless? Hard to say. It's at least most of the way there. The highs are just so high compared to the lows. It really does suck you in! Heck, even the aforementioned dungeons have their shining moments. Just don't let that distract you from the cracks in the wall; You may just wander circles around Dark Palace forever...

What a fantastic package! Absolute eye candy by SNES standards, fluid controls and gameplay, and just an overall grand ol' time.

While I wouldn't call this game hard, I will point out that the later challenges are far from easy. Button mashing doesn't get you far. Definitely a game you can knock out in a few sittings though.

Highlights for me were The Great Cave Offensive and Milky Way Wishes. That RPG boss in the latter gave me a run for my money...

Charming! Very simple gameplay, but the character creator manages to stay intuitive while allowing for depth!

The exploration and platforming is brain dead, but not even in a bad way. Good considering this is a game for literal children.

I want to appreciate this game more, but it plays so horribly. It's three times as frustrating as Getting Over It - despite having checkpoints - and ten times as boring.

Plays exactly how you'd expect an inverse kinematics focused game made in 2014 to.

Nice remake of a childhood classic. I'd like to say that the quality of life changes make up for the worse art direction, but some of the QoL changes are frustrating... Auto movement is super cool, but the (minimal) tweaks for it being buried deep within the options is annoying.

Still very enjoyable! It's Pokemon Mystery Dungeon after all. The story - while cheesy - is very heartfelt, the music is great, and the gameplay is a great balance of accessible and polished.

Goofy and very charming. Not much to it gameplay-wise, but considering the length I'd say it was well worth my time.


I have never beaten this game legitimately. I'm no speedrunner, but a casual 16 star run is a great choice for a quick gaming session.

Does it stand the test of time compared to the other 3D Marios? Up for debate.

Do I really enjoy playing it? Heck yea buddy.

Amazing how a two star game is still what I'd consider one of your better choices on the NES.

The physics are wonky as hell, but it's not too challenging overall. Lacks the punishment most NES games serve when you lose.

Most recent playthrough was singleplayer, but this is a fun one to co-op!

I could write for days about why this game is the masterpiece that it is, but I'm catching up on a backlog of reviews, so I'll leave it at this:

It speaks volumes when a single player game can offer so many different experiences. I've never been one to play games multiple times, but Dark Souls will always be an exception.

The best of the Mega Mans I've played at the time of writing. Been meaning to get around to 3 considering that seems to be where the heated debate lies.

All the good things from Mega Man 1 brought into a game with better level design. Truly one of the greatest games on the NES.

Quite possibly one of the most overrated and pretentious games I've ever played. I can get behind the cool mechanics. What I can't get behind is the unchangeable FOV, lack of audio cues, weak "story" that interrupts the fun bits, and the general woah-this-is-so-deep-iness of the whole thing.

The most insulting thing was that they introduced a really great mechanic part way through only for the game to end before it really got to shine.

Good! Surprisingly forgiving for an NES game, but not without its part-of-the-era annoyances. The levels are well designed, the controls and physics are far above average for an 80s title, and it's just a joy to play.

I can't imagine beating the Yellow Devil without the pause glitch though...

There's a lot I would like to say about this masterpiece, but I keep deleting it all and starting at the beginning. With enough patience I'm sure I'll get there.

The most uninspired platformer that stars a white man who said the N word on Twitch.

I have to imagine that even if I knew who half these YouTubers were I'd still not find any of the dialogue funny, but then again if I actively watched these gamers I'd probably have some form of brain damage.

Very quick and easy if you're trying to pad out your completed games list though!