this game slaps, it took what was lacking in blind forest and improved it. the sheer amount of movement options in this game is insane while feeling so fluid. the only part of the movement that messed me up was bash being mapped to a different button than in blind forest, however i literally started playing this an hour after i beat blind forest so if you played these games when they came out or adapt to that kind of change quickly then that might not be an issue for you

i loooove the way ori feels to control this game is so good

claude was robbed of mm romance. look at that man and tell me he's not bi

it's so much fun i love it. sure there are performance issues such as: the game sometimes looking like a ps3 game, inconsistent framerate (but not to an unplayable point), and the rare crash, however, the gameplay easily picks up the slack it's so much fun. i will say that every monster boss is too easy tho, especially compared to the human(oid) bosses. humanoid bosses are so much more fun and challenging than monster bosses. the story is also very standard and a bit boring (it's just le warring kingdoms i love dynasty warriors omgomg for the billionth time) like there was literally a side quest in the last stretch of the game where when you beat the guy he says he understands the power of friendship now and will join you. im not kidding. it may sound like major cope but i like the gameplay enough to completely disregard most of the negatives. the one negative that i absolutely hate is how the world map and selecting missions works. it's pretty much exactly what bloodborne has where you have to sit through an extra loading screen in order to even see the mission select screen which fucking BLOWSSS

So it's barely a game if you don't shill but if you get everything on key sites for cheap then it's worth. I wish witch queen wasn't the only good expansion tho

I'm glad people are no longer haters of gen 6 it's really good

this is my favorite from soft game. it's also the second one i beat after ds2 (which also slaps fuck off) it's so fun and actually scary at times

i still like bloodborne more but elden ring is PEAK from soft. they've perfected their formula with this

man this game is so weird. on one hand the story and dialogue is the worst it's been with unskippable dialogue that drags on and on and on and on the other hand you have some of the most fun gunplay in the series. if they didnt fumble the story and the parts where you have to travel from one place to another it would've been the best in the series but oh well. it's also too many gigs for me to reinstall to play the dlc. this is a personal problem but when i installed it on my external hard drive it didnt even open lmao so it has to be on my c

this is the most fun i've had in this series

im combining my hours from g and gu. i absolutely loved mhg and played it so much on the 3ds alone and was so happy when i got a switch and GU. aerial and adept styles were so fun omg and prowler mode was the sickest new addition which i cant wait to come back if it ever does. my hours were split in half per game btw

this was my introduction to mh which is such a good spot to start i think. i will say that i barely got started when i switched over to generations, i barely got to hr 7 before i moved on. that being said i absolutely loved what i played and despite the low hr i spent a lot of time playing with friends doing everything multiple times, it was fun

rise (including sunbreak) is my favorite mh game i just wish it wasn't a switch game. if it was designed with pcs and real consoles in mind from the get go it would be even better but i'm still happy with what we have