59 Reviews liked by Glower_of_Feddia

I mean its minecraft tf do I need to say.

Awesome story and a awesome soundtrack I believe this to have the most balance quality wise when u compare the mulitplayer and the story.

Very immersing game every action you took even before meeting the alien you were be able to feel the presence of it at all times.

The combat in this game is insane, the open world is enjoyable, overall story is pretty good game makes you say "I'm literally him".

Atmosphere, visuals and the OSTS in this game are awesome and helps the immersion stay consistent throughout the game the gameplay is very good for people who wanna start this genre I recommend this game fully.

No no no don't bake me into a pie please don't, I-I-I'll destroy you, you mongrel dog... oh being a pie is fine actually.

Although I dont really find games "scary" to an extent this is a very good at keeping you at the edge of your seat in sheer anticipation due to its great implementation of psychological horror, gameplay is pretty much the former game with a few changes.

Insane game, the plot is very good and somehow you can find yourself spending ages in a karaoke bar replaying the same song over and over again, the comedy aspects of this game are pure gold and the combat is great.

One of the most wacky and flawed games I've ever played yet I really enjoyed playing every second of this game, it may have many downfalls which I do agree on but I can't not love this game for what it is.

I still remember pretty well the 1st time I played this game on the Xbox after when I picked it up again and started playing nostalgia filled me, this is a great squad combat game with good mechanics it's very immersing and makes you feel as if your a commando yourself.

After the huge disappointment that 2 was this was ridiculously surprising with the quality I was presented, the story is good and gameplay mechanics like the combo sytem keep you completely immersed all the time you play it.

"Forged by the gods"

The gameplay and atmosphere are immersing throughout most of the game, I do admit it can feel a little repetitive and some parts but eh, the overall story is good and easy to understand without trapping you into a 3 hour cut scene.

Pretty much takes half life 1 and improves on pretty much everything, beating enemies to death with physics is also a great pass time, puzzles weren't the best but the immersion stayed constant throughout the time I played. You can easily see why people love this game and understand how it's known as the trend setter of physics games.

Star wars peak fiction, the story is insanely good the combat well good enough imo, the designs the immersion and the customising you're able to do is very good. You could easily spend a life time in this game and still discover more stuff.

Good gameplay and world building the story obviously has zero substance to it tbh, the graphics are good but I did fine it to be too easy.