Favourite puzzle game ever. Fun, very hard, and respects the player. Also extremely cute.

Lovely game. The string of movements and execution is a form of art. The music is also as great as the platforming.

So good I sold my grandma irl.

Excellent combat. Amazing puzzles. Great pixel art and lovely concept.
Story lacks. Pacing is pretty bad. I'm almost ashamed to say I barely cared about most of the characters. With the context of the game, the devs were really restricted to what they could do, so I don't hold it against them.
But everything else is so good that I don't even care.

There's nothing I can say about this game that hasn't been said before in a better and more concise way. This game is a product of Love.

The artstyle looks good, though it seems off to me at times. The gameplay is fun but it felt really really rough on keyboard, a controller would have probably felt much better but I didn't have one. I personally have a grudge against this game because health upgrades get less and less important as the game goes on because of the frequency of instakills. This is especially bad for a metroidvania which should reward exploration.

The first campaign is pretty good. I haven't played old platformers so I didn't feel the nostalgia which others might have. The other 3 campaigns are stellar and feel really good to play. I can only imagine another universe where every single knight had a campaign and how skillfully the devs could have tied them together. It would have been a masterpiece.

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Extremely fun. It feels great and frantic. The shotgun hook is one of the best ideas ever. Worst thing about the game is being able to see whats under the helmet. Does everything Doom 2016 does but better.

First, the bad:
The combat is a meh. It has a lot of options, but I've found that I would mostly do the same 2-3 combos every fight. It never forced me to learn it properly. Getting hit isn't avoidable so my instinct to outlast the enemy kicks in.
The portrayal of women is a bit tasteless. It definitely has a male-centric view. It's not too terrible and I'm ashamed to say I can ignore it to enjoy the good parts.
Speaking of! The side quests are fun and over the top and the main story is engaging and grabs your attention. One of the things this game does best is being able to handle both serious and comical sides of the game very well.
It's extremely fun to go around the city and just do whatever the fuck you want. I love it. The same dichotomy is found in how masculinity is portrayed. It has both the macho serious and toxic side of masculinity but it also isn't shamed but embraces the non-traditional, "fruity", fun side. It's a very simple thing that many people get wrong: if a man is doing something, anything, it's masculine.

This game is best played when you have a diehard fan of the game that is willing to receive thousand of dms from you just to understand what the FUCK a tablet meant. Puzzle games that need you to interpret words and not concepts are bound to be like this, especially if they are as creative as this one. Which is a good thing! It does incredibly interesting thing and I love this game for that. I recommend it, but I won't be that friend.

This game, to some people, isn't a game. It's an interactive experience. It has cool concepts, it's kind of vague with most of the metaphors and symbolisms but the main story is great. It's amazing because of how absurd it is. It made me feel uncomfortable many times in just less than 3 hours of "gameplay". I highly recommend it if you are bored and want something interesting to spend your afternoon with.

Fun, cute, and very cool. Never played any Paper Mario games but if they are all like this then they are really good.
Also I want to fuck that beetle.

A great boss rush with a great artstyle, which is the main selling point. It's very fun and challenging and it feel great to see how the bosses fucking die after you beat them. They are literally begging to not die and that's great.

An okay execution of an amazing concept. It does a few things right, many wrong. I could rant for hours about this series of games. I first found out about this game when I was still young and the idea blew me away. Now most of my enjoyment of this series is talking to friends who have also played it and talk about its flaws and how it could have been better. In many ways I love this game, but most of the most common critiques are all valid, especially about fanservice or generally trash "anime" writing. Though without them this game would have never taken off.

Here the writers really put work into making something truly unique and special. All the flaws of the previous game are more present than before but the concepts, the great ideas are very very engaging and cool. Also, frankly, after the first game, you start to adapt to the bullshit parts, like your eyes in the dark. This game is worth playing just for the trial near the end. It shows how GOOD these games can be when executed well. Best entry of the trilogy.