Father of the Metroidvania Genre
with magic it is superfun game
without it very boring
exploring is rewarding
new abilities are useful

Perfect Castlevania game on GBA
Gameplay is fun GBA Standart
Story eh
Artwork is gorgeous

Every bad aspect of SMT3 is fixed.
Good turn base system added nice additions
story is fine smt standarts.
must play for turn base fan

Combat is enjoyable even for me, a turn based gameplay hater
Story is fantastic
characters are memoriable
it is ahead of time. Making such a game like this big succesful.

Best game ever made.
gameplay on first time and endgame are totally different.
Making combos is fine
Story is perfect
it would be perfect final for series if ended

İt would four and half star game if animal care dont take a lot of time in gameplay

Unplayable nowadays.
Quest repeats
gameplay repeats
dungeon repeats
only plus is open world is LARGE even look today.

One day...
One day i will come back and finish you

I Promise one day i will finish you

after 50+ it started to repeat and being boring.

One of my favorites Visual Novels.
which makes the route event the best in gaming.
BTW Heaven feels is the best