Peak narrative experience.
You can't get any better than this.
Hod my beloved...

CBT Simulator.
But goddang if it ain't the best CBT I have willingly performed on myself.
Don't be ashamed if you're filtered, the story is worth it regardless.

How the fuck did this come out in 1996.
I'm glad this got made, shit exudes SOUL from every pore.
Way ahead of its time even tho it can get Nintendo Hard real fast if you don't have a guide with you.

Literal Excel RPG.
I refuse to elaborate.

Enjoyable but this is the epitome of esoteric bullshit that might frustrate the fuck out of you without a walkthrough.
Freak is best boy.

I still don't forgive TADA for making backtracking impossible but this is the start of Rance being the shit it is today so I'm grateful.

The crust hit way too hard but Shizuka came from here so it's not that bad.

Amazing use of mechanics albeit short. Definitely a sweet experience!

Fernando and Christopher I kneel...

No More Heroes saved Fire Emblem.

Dan Salvato saved the indie psychological horror scene.
And by saved I mean that Sayori is best girl don't @ me.