The Room but House but more migraine

Secrets upon secrets upon secrets upon secrets.
This game's striking narrative is told through stunning visuals and music, without a single word, leaving you speechless.
The combat is surprisingly fluid and fun!
Without the frequent softlocks (and one specific enemy), it would be perfect.

Lara has the incredible ability to make friends split up at all costs, scooby-doo style. Unfortunately, unlike her, the story is quite flat.
The shooting and explosions are solid.
Also, the camera's really shaky all the time for some reason.
Overall, a standard TR experience.

A major upgrade, but movement across different rooms is quite slow and annoying

This is like if The Messenger had a little (lesbian) sister. One that loved Castlevania.

Riddled with plenty gameplay and narrative design flaws, but gets the most important part of Metroid right. Shooting aliens in a cool enviroment.

Did so much with the Pinballvania sub-genre! And yet not as much.

Cute, charming, fun, 💀

A kind of abruptly ending, quite short, very enjoyable, undeniably unique game, wish there was more of it and to it ♠♣♥♦