Never in a million years, would I expect a game based on a mediocre movie to be that solid.
And especially not that gorgeous or groovy.

Just play it. I ain't spoilin' nothin'.

Games from these guys tend to go NUTS both with the story and some of the most meta characters I've laid my eyes upon. I love it.
That being said, the main protagonists are in DIRE need of distinct personalities, not the inoffensive "main guy trope". Listening to them talk kinda feels like eating flour.

I do have to respect the sheer balls required to have new game plus as the main gimmick, accompanied by many wacky ideas.
But the painful truth is that recycled content gets stale at some point.

We didn't get anywhere crazy with this one, but I found modifying cuboids relaxing.

Maybe the real Miracle was the game I played along the way.
It pulled me in like an alive painting and held my attention captive with eery mysteries and gorgeous vistas until the very end.
In short - a grand victory.
With a formula this refined, all I now need... is more.

And they said videogames won't teach you valuable life lessons

It has some great ideas! Making you constantly walk back and forth isn't one of them.


I'm not crying, it's just the onions (T⌓T)

On paper, this is a dream come true.
The visuals of Nitrome mixed with the world and music of Shovel Knight? Unreal.
But for some godforsaken reason, this game LOVES to play dirty and I don't mean the digging.
Enemies, some constantly spawning (sometimes right in your face), some dealing damage offscreen from above or so fast that you couldn't possibly react.
A lot of items in the game are worthless, a couple making the run harder, which is just ridiculous.
The requirements for the true ending are insane and incredibly easy to miss simply because the game is random. Not to mention unfair hitboxes.
Previous Shovel Knight entries feel like a grand, fun adventure. This, however, feels more like getting punched in the balls, getting sand in the eyes, or slapped in the face, constantly.
It knows how to introduce secrets right, but unfortunately, that's it.

Exploring is all about discovering and experiencing new things.
Unfortunately, this title carefully follows the recipe from the previous games and sprinkles on top of it an even more predictable and ridiculous story :/
Free exploration and combat feel satisfying! But they get so repetitive and you always get skins/weapons/skills that change stats (and since I played the definitive version on Epic, I got all the good ones on launch, making rewards useless).
It all makes for an alright game and a disappointing ending to this franchise.

It's actually impressive that this much backtracking can be as fun! It's still backtracking though.