Spaghetti code made by a monkey (me) simulator.

For my money, The Room 4 is THE Room to play.

I truly believe that game design peaked in this 1998 classic.
That's why I am extremely sad that it all went to hell in the domain of Boss Baby.

What if man wanted "clothing", but God said "bear"?

They call it "Metroidvania", I call it "cleverly described backtracking".

I enjoyed the characters and their interactions much more than I expected and was somewhat let down by the level design.
The quality of the art style is finally on par with the pixel art, but the music took the cake in my eyes.

Someone made a solid platformer and sprinkled questionable level design on top, but the soundtrack from Jake Kaufman and lively spritework make quite the recompensation for it!

It's difficult to justify a game being a sequel, when some of the core elements of the predecessor are missing - namely the horror.
Once again, I immensely enjoyed my time underwater, discovering the brilliantly designed flora and fauna of an alien world, this time speeding through the mediocre land segments.

Once again I am reminded of how using an old search engine felt. Turns out it's mostly tedious, but I respect the commitment to the idea.

It takes heavy inspiration from Firewatch when it comes to the dialogue, which some might frown upon but I only see it as a good thing. It's incredible how impactful the conversations you make are on what's going to happen.
Also, I guess I have a new book to read now.


It is downright dreadful how clever this journey gets with every passing hour and how many secrets are masterfully hidden under the simple facade. I genuinely lost the count of "holy shit" moments with this one.

How can you not like pickled olives?

This puzzle game takes you on a brisk, eye-catching blast, intuitively unraveling its complexity, and blowing your mind to the very end.

With such mind-numbingly good pixel art and groovy music, it's a shame how Eastward presents itself in the long run.
What you have here is a decent, but too convoluted story that's stretched waaaaaaaaaaay out, with parts that would be better off cut out, with quirky characters who have nothing interesting to say.
It took me 3 attempts over the span of 2 years to make myself get through it.