So I’ve played this twice, and had VERY different experiences.
The first time was in my first kingdom hearts full series marathon.
It started out great, cool story, but the gameplay was… eh. I liked it, but after a time it got grating. And I made the mistake of watching the Disney world cutscenes.
I stopped playing after a while and just watched the cutscenes before moving on to kingdom hearts 2. Didn’t even touch the Riku stuff.
Then I played it again.
On my second kingdom hearts full series (eventually, I stopped in the middle of birth by sleep. I’ll finish eventually!!! Just when I have access to my ps5, so probably in the summer LMAO), I played on regular difficulty, skipped all the Disney cutscenes (but not the other stuff, that’s really good), and pushed through the tedious combat. But then I eventually… started to like it? And then I started to… love it???? Turns out once you get a proper build going, this game’s combat is really fun! It’s just the deck building part I hate. In any case, beat the game, feeling good, I start playing the Riku stuff and FALL IN LOVE. It removes all of the deck building AND DISNEY CUTSCENES. The story is also really cool and I love Riku as a character. Seeing Mickey and Riku becoming besties gives me life.
Anyway, big up this game, it’s good, maybe I’ll play it again sometime. Definitely the marmite of the series though.

After watching the hbomberguy video for the fourth time I decided it was time to give it a try
I think I’ve been wanting to play an immersive sim all my life. This is brilliant. Hard as shit, and very 2000s, but brilliant.

This game is a miracle. This game is a triumph. This game is a gem. If it weren’t for 7 rebirth literally releasing this month I’d say it’s hands down the best remake of the year.
If you’ve ever played a persona game, if you’ve ever wanted to try persona 3, please play this game. It’s the fastest selling atlus game ever for a reason.

It’s better than I remembered.
So excited for rebirth, sucks that I’m going to have to wait until at least may to play it LMAO
(I forgot to choose intergrade whoops I played it on pc)

I put 60 hours into this game in less than two weeks, so I got a bit burnt out on it, but once I’ve finished playing 7 remake and persona 3 reload you bet I’m playing the shit out of it again

I’ll get golden eclipse 8 eventually, cautiously optimistic for the new dlc.

Factorio space age is my most anticipated dlc of the year, I cannot wait to get to play this game again.

My game of the year. Also my favourite pikmin game. I 100%ed it in less than a week. It was the highlight of my summer.

Probably the game I've played the most. The best shooter. I'm not a big fan of shooters so I rarely play it anymore, but whenever I do I have an absolute blast and forget why I don't play it. Also the funniest game ever made, if unintentionally.

I bought the original as part of a sale and then this released lmao
I'll get round to one of them eventually

I've watched enough alpharad gold to know I shouldn't play this gamer for fear of becoming obsessed

I could get through the first few areas - I just didn't get hooked. Maybe if I pushed through it I'd love it the way I love earthbound INSPIRED rpgs. oh well, I lasted longer than with mother 1!

The only thing I know about this game is lesbians

A really memorable exploration of grief interlaced with various minigame type segments of each character's story. Really good.

I think it’s safe to call this my favourite roguelike. Sure I’ve played spelunky 2 more (pandemic moment), but if I go back to that I can’t get past the first area. Risk of rain is like riding a bike. You never forget. I can jump in and have a whale of a time. The concept of an item based roguelike where every item stacks infinitely is so good that it unironically makes isaac unplayable. This game is so good at what it does it’s a genre killer, because it just makes me wish I was playing this. The only thing that can stand a chance is risk of rain returns, but even then it doesn’t feel as good as this. True MASTAHPIECE