So you know when I said terraria only gets better… yeah this is that. Phenomenal.

One of the greatest games ever made. And then you discover calamity. And the game is forever changed. So so so so so good.

It was fun but shooters aren’t my thing.

I did the thing where I got really near the end and dropped it, but now that I’ve played the original, I’m going to work my way back up to it. Very excited as I absolutely loved my first time through.

THE BEST PERSONA GAME???? More likely than you think.
This game is just so good. It truly feels like the investigation team are my best friends that I’m hanging out with. The narrative is so immersive, I truly felt devastated at having to leave. I can’t wait to play again.

This game man. So good. I played it for an hour or two then dropped it for a year, and then I picked it back up and played 50 hours in a week or two. This game is so damn good, I’m now looking into playing the rest of final fantasy. But not before experiencing all 7 has to offer. I’m talking advent children, crisis core, and then remake. Oh my god I’m so excited for remake.

This game never fails to make me appreciate how talented concernedape is. Genuinely when I’m playing I can’t stop thinking about how well made every part of this game is. I cannot wait for 1.6, and the farm I’ll start when it comes out. Hopefully I can convince my friend to play expanded too.

I literally got to the latest part of the game you can be without finishing, then dropped the game and didn’t play for 2 years. I’ll finish this game eventually, but for now let me just say that this game is incredible, and I’ll happily replay it.

The best Pokémon game and it’s not even close. My favourite part about Pokémon is the world and Pokémon just being living creatures and this is the game that truly gets that.

The best platform fighting franchise’s best game. I don’t think I’ll ever stop playing this game, unless the next Nintendo console is as portable and the next smash game is as good. As someone who prefers story based games, this game, from the gameplay alone, is one of the best games ever made.

I adore this game. The music is incredible. The art and animation is TO DIE FOR. And the game is just damn fun! The dlc is one of the best dlcs ever made. Wonderful game, I can’t wait to see what’s next!

I did really like it, but I think I have to replay it to truly experience it - my first playthrough was just alright.

I’m going to play it over Christmas!

This is probably the most amount of fun I’ve had travelling in a videogame. The combat’s really fun and the story’s pretty good. But just moving around is the highlight I won’t lie.