This is a fantastic game. It’s Majora’s mask but as a puzzle game, in space. I’ve never seen a game use its ideas so well. It’s like an escape room as a game, but instead of being trapped inside a room, you’re in space. Phenomenal game, I’ll beat the dlc eventually lol

This game is a miracle. This game is a triumph. This game is a gem. If it weren’t for 7 rebirth literally releasing this month I’d say it’s hands down the best remake of the year.
If you’ve ever played a persona game, if you’ve ever wanted to try persona 3, please play this game. It’s the fastest selling atlus game ever for a reason.

The best open world game I’ve ever played. The best boss fights I’ve ever fought. The largest and grandest world I’ve ever explored. My only issue is that it’s so big that it can be repetitive. I think this game gets better on replay - once you know where to skip, this game is nothing but flawlessness, but that initial playthrough is rough at times.

I've watched enough alpharad gold to know I shouldn't play this gamer for fear of becoming obsessed

This is, in my opinion, the best game ever made. Constantly funny, engaging, heartbreaking, human, and just fun. No game is as compassionate and deeply human (I get the irony) as Undertale, and I will never be afraid to say that Undertale is my favourite game of all time.

This is my favourite final fantasy game.
The combat is drop dead gorgeous. The soundtrack is phenomenal. The set pieces are some of the coolest and most beautiful things I’ve seen in a video game. But the thing that I truly loved about this game? How immersed I got in the story, and the world.
Something I found out very quickly was that there is a character who is basically an encyclopaedia of every character, main event, and concept in the game. This is the best addition to a video game I’ve played in recent memory. I don’t know if other things did this but nothing as comprehensive and as well as ff16. I put 50 hours basically non stop into this game and probably a tenth of that was just reading about the politics and phenomena of the world. And the thing is this truly immersed me in it. I knew exactly what was happening and the significance of it all because I had studied this world. I knew the terms and what everything meant, and it let me get so much more invested. I truly think no other game has been as immersive as this. Add to that every single character is either lovable or lovably hateable, and it’s a game I just couldn’t put down. I love ff7, and maybe remake and rebirth will change my mind, but ff16 clears it easily for me.

Fuck all of you for making me get this god forsaken game, telling me “oh it’s so good” “oh you’d love it” “oh it’s game of the year” fuck you I downloaded it (fuck you, you know who you are) and thought “I should play a bit to see how it’s like” and before I knew it five hours passed fuck all of you for being right I hate you and hope you all lose your death saving throws I need to revise I can’t stop playing this game AAAAAAAARGH


No game has had such a visceral reaction from me. This game is a masterpiece. It’s able to pull you from being on the edge of your seat to being overjoyed to being heartbroken back to being terrified. Incredible game.

This game man. So good. I played it for an hour or two then dropped it for a year, and then I picked it back up and played 50 hours in a week or two. This game is so damn good, I’m now looking into playing the rest of final fantasy. But not before experiencing all 7 has to offer. I’m talking advent children, crisis core, and then remake. Oh my god I’m so excited for remake.


Strong contender for best roguelike. The story and characters and gameplay and world are all so delightful. My only problem with this game is that I want to do the pact of punishment in order so to get the rewards I have to replay it endlessly. And I did. I could have had more fun if I just swallowed my pride and did heat out of order. That’s right, one of the most fun games ever made could’ve been even more fun had I not fucked it up. I’m absolutely going to come back to it, and can’t wait for the sequel.

I adore this game. The music is incredible. The art and animation is TO DIE FOR. And the game is just damn fun! The dlc is one of the best dlcs ever made. Wonderful game, I can’t wait to see what’s next!

Best Mario game. Honestly I forget it’s a Mario game because I’m literally only using Daisy. Princess Daisy best girl.
But seriously though, the wonder flowers are genius. It’s so good to have a Mario game be new and creative. Wonderful.

The incredible return of the franchise that birthed one of the greatest genres of gaming. My only wish is that emmis weren’t confined to zones, and were a near constant threat. Maybe I should just play fusion. But this is an absolute masterclass in metroidvanias.

I really liked this game but I don’t think I’ll finish it - it’s better breath of the wild… but I’ve already played breath of the wild. I hope the next Zelda game is as revolutionary as botw, or even a return to 2D Zelda (link between worlds is my second favourite Zelda game behind majora btw)

I literally got to the latest part of the game you can be without finishing, then dropped the game and didn’t play for 2 years. I’ll finish this game eventually, but for now let me just say that this game is incredible, and I’ll happily replay it.