One of the best gaming experiences there is, if you can just learn to sit back and enjoy the ride. It will be confusing, it will be weird, it might even be cringey and dumb, but at no point will it ever stop being magical.
The first kingdom hearts is a masterclass in atmosphere. Even though you are prancing around with an anthropomorphic duck and dog, and going to wonderland and Neverland, it always has an air of mystery. From the very beginning in traverse town where sora is in an unfamiliar place, right to the end where the fate of the realm rests in his hands, it never stops feeling dark and mysterious and magical. The amount of hidden secrets is immense. The environments, even though they’re clearly 2002 ps2 environments, are so densely packed with twists and turns and things to explore. You feel exactly how sora does, a 14 (maybe) year old torn from his home in strange new worlds. I really can’t communicate the vibe of kh1. You’ve got to play it. And sadly the franchise never feels the same way. But in another way that’s a strength - because then there’s always a reason to replay kingdom hearts.

Also I played final mix in hd 1.5 remix and then eventually hd1.5+2.5 but fuck you I’m reviewing each one individually.

I think I’ve had this game for years?? I’ll play it eventually. I can’t wait to see tidus selfie and wakka in their home game! << clueless kingdom hearts fan

Hey so don’t tell anyone but I was actually lying on my smash ultimate review. Shh don’t tell anyone.
THIS is the best platform fighter. I love ultimate but it doesn’t come close to how clean and cool this game feels. Clairen is probably my favourite fighting game character ever, she just feels so right. I cannot wait for rivals 2 because the only problem with this game is no one plays it.

Idk if my friend held me at gunpoint I’d probably play it

Sayori is so me, but when I say that people immediately jump onto the thing. Like no. That’s not her. That’s the whole point. Sure she can be sad at times but she’s not suicidal, she was tampered with. I relate to sayori because she’s a bright and optimistic jokester that is a bit clumsy and awkward and will bottle up her feelings instead of talking to others about them because she really struggles to. Just like sayori, killing myself would be out of character. Anyway just Monika.

Holy shit holy shit holy shit I cannot wait for reload

I wish I was playing town of Salem.

Best Zelda game. Watch schaffrillas productions’ video about it, because I completely agree with everything he said.

I was planning to get this, but then tumblr forced me to get Baldur’s gate 3. One day, my love. One day.

Got to the twist and then stopped playing it for some reason. I’ll get around to it eventually, but maybe not FPSs just aren’t really my thing. I mainly just want to get to 2 tbh.

If I could sacrifice my firstborn to this game I would

Why is this game so good?? Why is it so BIG???
I’ve always meant to play this game more, I’m only on my second run but I’d happily play this game way more often… although cracks are starting to show, if you know what to do to break it. Combat becomes piss easy, you can get infinite money if you accept that deep down you love the blacksmith’s son, and yeah the translation is VERY rough. This game is a diamond in the rough, but the rough sadly roughed up the diamond. Still a diamond though.

I love road trip simulator!!!
But seriously this game was good. I just dropped it because the story got boring towards the end. Maybe I should stop dropping games as soon as I get right at the end. Oh well. It’s the worst final fantasy as it’s my least favourite of the three I’ve played, but that doesn’t mean I agree with the people hating this game, this game truly is good.

This is the game I always say I want whenever anyone asks me what game I want. It’s a game I know I’ll love, but I’ve never actively sought it out, so I relegate it to “if anyone gifted it to me I’m sure I’d love it”. Maybe one day someone will convince me to buy it myself. But there are just other games I want to play more.

Ehhh idk if I should play this, it’s not exactly game of the year territory

Seriously though I loved spider man 1’s gameplay, I’m get round to it eventually, but when I’m home with my ps5 I just have other games I want to play more. This is the xenoblade chronicles of the ps5 for me.