This is, in my opinion, the best game ever made. Constantly funny, engaging, heartbreaking, human, and just fun. No game is as compassionate and deeply human (I get the irony) as Undertale, and I will never be afraid to say that Undertale is my favourite game of all time.

The best open world game I’ve ever played. The best boss fights I’ve ever fought. The largest and grandest world I’ve ever explored. My only issue is that it’s so big that it can be repetitive. I think this game gets better on replay - once you know where to skip, this game is nothing but flawlessness, but that initial playthrough is rough at times.

The whole time I was playing I was just thinking about how glad I was to experience breath of the wild again. Realising dungeons were back made me hoot and holler in joy. I’ll finish it eventually, I swear.

It’s… really good.
I played it so long ago I can’t remember why.
But, rest assured, it is really good.
I actually played the second half on the wii u and the first half on the switch, in that order, so technically I’ve never FULLY completed it, but both halves make a whole so eh


Strong contender for best roguelike. The story and characters and gameplay and world are all so delightful. My only problem with this game is that I want to do the pact of punishment in order so to get the rewards I have to replay it endlessly. And I did. I could have had more fun if I just swallowed my pride and did heat out of order. That’s right, one of the most fun games ever made could’ve been even more fun had I not fucked it up. I’m absolutely going to come back to it, and can’t wait for the sequel.

This is an absolute gem.
Hollow knight is the game I recommend to people wanting to get into indie games. It’s truly the best they have to offer. It may not be my favourite indie game, but I truly think it is the best. Everything about it is perfect. My only regret is that I never beat pantheon 5. Maybe one day.
Can wait for silksong.

Can I be completely honest? I kind of hate Minecraft. PLAYING IT. As an… entity, I think it’s alright. I keep up with updates. I (used to) watch loads of videos, especially Wilbur soot or technoblade (and I grew up with dantdm).
It’s one of the best, most influential and highest quality games ever made.
And I cannot stand playing it.
I’ve never been more bored than playing Minecraft. I cannot for the life of me understand why. I’m not a sandbox fan so the creativity part doesn’t appeal to me, and I’m not a survival fan so the survival part doesn’t appeal to me. So what’s left is just… nothing. I come across a bee hive and go OH MY GOD BEES and dote on them for an hour before closing the game. I’ve tried to get into it so many times, most times with friends to really keep me invested, but without fail I am just bored out of my skull.
It just isn’t for me. Every single decision they made making this game is something that I don’t like, and that’s okay.
And for those who compare Minecraft to terraria, which is one of my favourite games ever, don’t. They’re completely different. Incomparable. Seriously. I love terraria and can’t stand Minecraft, and someone else would love Minecraft and not stomach terraria. They’re completely different games and comparing them is pointless.

Okay so I have completed persona 5, just not the third semester. I will eventually, just not yet.
This game is so damn good.
It is absolutely dripping with style and charm, moreso than other persona games (which is a feat). The gameplay is also perfected. The story and characters… are alright, nowhere close to persona 4, but they’re still good. I’d still say persona 4 is my favourite, but I think this is the best one, if you get me. Can’t wait for reload so I can finally play persona 3 (well, finish it)

The funniest, cleverest game ever made.
Valve are genuinely the best game developers ever when they want to be.
God I wish there was a new aperture game.


No game has had such a visceral reaction from me. This game is a masterpiece. It’s able to pull you from being on the edge of your seat to being overjoyed to being heartbroken back to being terrified. Incredible game.

It is so fun to move. I like it. I like it a lot.

Absolute classic. Think portal 2 but without the story. Still a masterpiece.

I haven’t played it in 5-ish years but oh boy did I like it 5-ish years ago!

The incredible return of the franchise that birthed one of the greatest genres of gaming. My only wish is that emmis weren’t confined to zones, and were a near constant threat. Maybe I should just play fusion. But this is an absolute masterclass in metroidvanias.

This is probably the most amount of fun I’ve had travelling in a videogame. The combat’s really fun and the story’s pretty good. But just moving around is the highlight I won’t lie.