Great combat on higher difficulties, great swinging mechanics, tons of fan service costumes and a solid Spider-Man story. Only problem is the open world is barren, with task master being the only dynamic thing about it

Worst part is the grind, especially in ice borne but this is just a review for the base game. If you like cooperative souls like combat against big dynamic monsters all while crafting better and better gear from your monster expeditions, this is for you.

Can’t wait to see what the devs do next whether it’s a new experience or updates to this one. I think it’s a little frustrating and unintuitive at times, it’s very concerned with you committing to ideology/factions over good policies which I guess is part of the point. Overall, I think the writing is quality or at the very least appropriate and fictional Cold War setting in a fictional neutral country is really interesting

It's great but it would be a hard sell to people who like the simple fun of Mario kart. It doesn't run great on switch either.


The best shooter ever made honestly.

If you're gonna play a CoD game, play this one. The best balance with a unique campaign and absolutely iconic maps.

What the fuck is this. Yeah its pokemon so its fun but this is the worst remake they've ever done. Its not even a remake, it's honestly a remaster and not a super impressive one at that.

Its so close to being perfect, I just wish it wasn't soooo concerned with replicating the classics and actually added more original mechanics and levels.

Overall its bloated and filled with filler content, but I was sucked into the lore and characters in this game. Plus, I'm in love with Cassandra.

No other game plays like this. Being able to stop time to simulate turn based combat along with the ability to literally make your moves makes this play like no other. Plus the music, art design and voice acting. Its perfect

It’s true that Supergiant has really refined their gameplay overtime but nothing beats the simple fun of this game. The art design, the voice acting, the dodge and hit gameplay, it just all aligns into something that feels like a classic.

As most people will note, the gameplay is rougher than most the other halo games in the singleplayer. The multiplayer is iconic and a must play, but the campaign really just exists to add lore to the franchise. But hey, I do love some lore.

Best halo soundtrack, one of the best game soundtracks ever. The story is pretty fun and engaging, with the game being broken up between quiet backstreets and action filled set pieces. The game also added firefight to the series which ya gotta love.

It's good but doesn't blow me away. There are incredible set pieces and visuals and immaculately designed levels, but not all of it really hits or sticks with me.

Havent played the campaign so this is strictly about the multiplayer. This is one of the best multiplayer shooter experiences I've ever had. I do despise the level grinding that respawn inherited from CoD but once you get past that, there is nothing like this game. It's CoD on crack, fixing all of the worst problems of CoD and offering a unique experience with giant robots and movement shooter gameplay.