Obviously the multiplayer is probably the best in the series. This is where Halo esports really took off with the balance of the game being geared completely towards Battle Rifles and power weapons. If you haven't played halo 3 local multiplayer or even online multiplayer, and you like shooters, you're completely missing out. That being said, I think the campaign is overrated. Very repetitive, and fails to achieve the best parts of Halo and Halo 2's campaigns. It doesn't have the simple fun of Halo 1 nor does it add much to the lore like Halo 2 did.

I could play this campaign on repeat for the rest of my life. Its the halo game I love the most to come back to. Its simple fun without any gimmicks. You're a space marine shooting aliens. The environments are diverse, the music is iconic and the simple gameplay is just so satisfying. The multiplayer is really fun too, even tho it has balancing issues.

I adored the multiplayer when I was younger, despite its flaws. I think invasion, btb, and swat are where this game really excels. The campaign has incredible music and set pieces, a tragic ending, and proves to be a really unique halo experience.

I'm just a bird in a david cage. Making robots an allegory for POC has always been weird and this game doesn't do anything to innovate or sell me on the concept. It has some really fun moments of tension, but the overall narrative just falls completely flat.

Took me a while to warm up to this game but I do think its a step up from 4. While the campaign is the worst in the series, the arena multiplayer is honestly incredible. I wish this game had come to PC where the movement shooter mechanics really would have shined.

God awful multiplayer that I just want to forget ever happened. Most of the campaign is bland and forgetful but I do appreciate taking the characters and writing to new heights, giving some actual emotional depth to chief and cortana.

I think the gameplay is wonky and dated. It doesn't feel quite as crisp as SNEATER. But what puts it so high is the post modernist story. The patriots are the scariest video game antagonists ever and what they plan on doing in the game is still relevant to the real world today. While I'm not still in a dream snake eater, I am terrified for the future of humanity.

I'm stiiill in a dreaaaam SNAKE EATER

To me, best game in the series. Total refinement of the original mgs gameplay combined and with the second best story in the series makes it the most balanced mgs experience.

The best-written game ever made. The RPG system is begging to be unleashed on more characters and settings with this being the most psychologically driven RPG system I've played, eclipsing even my love for the social link system in Persona. The voice acting is superb and the music is iconic. And I cannot stress enough the quality of the writing from the narrative, to the theme thematic weight, to the characters. You just don’t see this level of quality with such thoughtfulness enough in the gaming industry. Its in a league of its own.

The story is rough. It was clearly compromised in some way during development. Regardless, you turn off reflex mode and you've got the best stealth action game ever made.

Greatest video game protagonist ever. So much depth and character to Arthur Morgan and you can't help but just love the guy. It is the perfect blockbuster game but the open world is lacking and the story fizzles in parts.

Kirby souls is really good but also mostly designed like a traditional Kirby game. I hope to see them take full advantage of 3D in the future, but this one they seemed to not want to stray too far from the formula.

SO CLOSE TO PERFECTION. I despise that Joker can date adults and some of the overall decisions for female characters. I also think the Strength arcana is way too OP and ruins the balance. There are some poorly designed encounters as well, particularly in the 5th palace. And fusion doesn't make a ton of sense.

With this being my first MegaTen game (and me not really being into JRPGs before this), I quickly became addicted to this game and even bought Shin Megami Tensei V as a result of playing this. I'm hooked on Atlus. This is how you make turn-based combat engaging. It isn't always challenging but it'll also throw a few curve balls at you to keep you on your toes. Not to mention the beauty and absolute perfection of the social link system that merges narrative/characters with gameplay in a really unique way. There are so many possibilities for the future of the social link system and I cannot wait to play the other Persona games and I also can't wait to see what they do with 6. Also, I've listened to the soundtrack COUNTLESS times it's just so damn perfect.

I'll admit I think the game is a little overhyped, but it's also the best Mario game option out there. The controls are PERFECT. The amount of freedom you have in how you want to move and platform is unlike any other game I've played. It's no doubt the game is incredibly fun, but it really gets bogged down by the moons. Maybe you don't want to get all the moons and just want to get to the credits. But for me, I tried getting all the moons and then gave up. The problem is it isn't intuitive how you get them all. Some of the ways you acquire moons are just straight-up frustrating or at the very least suck some of the fun out of the game.

The greatest Pokemon game ever made that is just screaming out to have a follow-up because of it's deficiencies. The game is simply just too easy. I wish there was a mode in here akin to BOTW's master mode but even that wouldn't fix everything. The fact is that Pokemon are not nearly scary enough to justify the narrative and marketing for this game. This is supposed to be a world before humans and Pokemon lived together, where Pokemon are dangerous wild animals. But you can instantly back out of any encounter, or dodge encounters completely with the VERY FIRST mount that you get. What's more odd is the random difficulty spikes that make no sense. You can breeze through most of the game but there are a few fights towards the end that are unreasonable considering how the rest of the game plays. Also, anyone who says this is Pokemon + BOTW is straight up lying to you. This is an open areas game not an open world game, and it is not nearly packed in with as much meaningful content. Grinding the pokedex is also pretty tedious. The controls are unintuitive. The resource economy is frustrating because it can't keep up with the pace of game (you have to grind resources more than you have to grind the dex, meaning you'll have to explore areas with no real reason to catch or battle pokemon). That all being said, the change up to the battle system plus stealth action sniping of wild pokemon and the grit system easily puts this above any mainline entry. I am very critical of this game, but at the end of the day its pokemon with a bunch of innovations that are very welcome.