Played on the anniversary collection on GameCube

Played though the anniversary collection on GameCube

This game is a lot more fun if you play it co-op with a friend. I would dare to say it makes or breaks how you feel about the game.

Rating only for the first game, never got around to playing the other 2

This rating is 85% based off of City Trial. Air Ride and Top Ride are good, but pretty mid.

Same deal as Dreamland 2, a pain to 100% (even more so imo) so don't be afraid to look it up.

Good game but kind of a pain to 100% for the best ending. Don't be afraid to look the details up, there is no shame.

I give my thoughts on the games individual pages, but this package is fantastic.
I should note that this rating includes the DLC. Another note is that ME1 was streamlined a bit which makes it more bearable for many including myself.

Yes the ending is literally awful, and the game was rushed
but it honestly could have been a lot worse. The gameplay is the best its ever been and it has one of the best DLC's of any game i've played (very fanservice-y but if you played and enjoyed the entire series you'll love it). Just ignore the ending. Pick destroy if you want what's highly considered among the community to be the better or more coherent ending.

Fantastic game with lovable characters and an awesome story that's nearing the end. Recommend transferring a save file from the first game in order to get the full experience. rating also includes the DLC's

Very clunky but its the start of an amazing story. Don't let the weird controls and awful vehicle sections deter you from playing this game, it's very rewarding to see the fruits of your labor at the end of 3 (even though that ending is pretty bad, we'll get there though don't worry haha)

Kind of cheating, but since this gives all prime games with the controls of Prime 3, I feel its worth it for the package.

Sort of the same problem the first Prime game had, except you can't get the collectibles (Sky Temple Keys in this case) until after a certain part of the story. Can be a bit irksome to some, and the beam ammo count could also be a deterrent for many but the gameplay is still peak first person adventure with that bizarre otherworldly feel that Metroid games do so well.
Isolation and Exploration is the key here and this game has it in spades.