Mainline Final Fantasy Games Thoughts

My personal ranking of the mainline Final Fantasy games.

NES: Enjoyed cranking it 20 years ago, intolerably tedious to me in 2023.
PSP: I think this looks good and it's a smooth way to try the game on. The best version.
GBA: Never messed with.
PS1: Cranked it 20 years ago, ain't touched since.
Pixel Remaster: Haven't cranked it. I hate the artstyle and pixels and apparently that makes me a bad person.
Famicom: Tedious as heck. Cool we have English versions.
GBA: Never Cranked.
PSP: Good. Music and visuals beautiful. Progression system still pretty broken but it is different and interesting, especially from a 1988 perspective.
Pixel Remaster: I ain't like the style.
Famicom: Cool. The JP penalty thing is pretty bogus. Your attacks carry over to the next monster now which makes grinding tolerable.
DS/PSP: The 3d art style is OK! The characters have names for no reason, this narrative edition is pretty half-baked.
Pixel Remaster: People say it's now the definitive edition... maybe! But is this game really worth playing?
First one I played. It is the most fast-paced JRPG ever maybe. Crazy shit happens after basically every dungeon. All-timer opening.
SNES: yes
GBA: sure
PSP: As a devotee of the original I can just about get down with this look. Haven't messed with interlude or after years.
PS1: Cool they localized "hard type". Am I one of like 4 people who was sad you can't play this on PS3 without flickering;
Pixel Remaster: Again don't really like the art style but do like how you can absolutely slurp it on the Switch.
PS1: Beat it on FF Anthology 20 years ago. Had a good time and had a hell of a time with X-Death.
GBA: Recently played the "SNES music patch". I got pretty bored about 20 hours in. The job classes are totally cool but I really hate how you need a guide to mess with Blue Magic and even though you can customize your dudes a ton... it doesn't feel like there's anything particularly cool to do with the customization? You're just smacking monsters... the different flavors of damage delivery are not super duper interesting. I also can sort of take or leave the music and aesthetics.
Pixel Remaster: Haven't messed with it, again I'm a style hater.
SNES: slay. The battle system does a get a little tedious as the game is pretty simple if you do any slight grinding. Ultima is boringly broken, and yes you don't have to use it, but it's right there. Aesthetics and music are divine.
GBA: Cool I guess? I don't need or want the extras? Graphics and music a bit worse which is no bueno.
Pixel Remaster: The fact that they "HD-2Ded" the opera sort of breaks my brain. The aesthetics are worse than the beautiful original. Cool there's a modern way to crunch... but the original looks better? QOL stuff is nice. Turn encounters off sure.
The world of this game still fascinates me almost as much as it did when I saw that first tv commercial back in 1997.

PS1 with CRT filters on emulator is probably still the best?

You can crunch it on everything.

I respect the people who use all sorts of mods for the PC but tbh I think you are a little nuts if you are playing this completely modded out with voice acting.
Absolutely love the world of this one.

The junction system is an absolute mess. I can't unknow that the optimal way to play is to turn enemies into cards into stats.
Low key and High key the best one?

Played it like a fiend in 2001. Loved it. Mastered it mostly.

Every time I've tried to replay I've completely bounced off. I suspect, but I haven't put the time in to really find out, that it actually kinda sucks. But the only evidence I have is 16 year old me loving it to death so I guess I currently have to say it's great!
It's the coolest Final Fantasy. Just so fascinating. 23 years of MMO. You can still play it, either in hardcore mode on a private server or on the antiquated current version of PlayOnline. It's huge, it's complicated, it's beautiful. There is some absolutely hideous tedium... but it's kind of worth it? I've played through Rise of Zilart... might finish the other expansions/chill more with it some day.
Bounced off it when I first played it.

Forced myself to play the PS2 version in 2009 and really hated it. It's just so bland. The gambits are awesome but the big boring dungeons and big boring world and big boring story just did nothing for me.

Might give the Zodiac remaster a go and see if I have different thoughts.
So much good stuff.

Looks good, sounds good, battle system is fun... but you do just press forward, battle, watch. That stuff is good but you can't be doing that for 50 hours. Well, at least I don't want to.
The "it opens up after 30 hours" crowd is deranged, sorry.
One of those games where people keep screaming about how amazing it is and I keep trying to understand.

I'm up to the Dragonsong war... I've sort of enjoyed some of my time? Still searching for that sweet bliss so many seem to find in this thing.
They got me with the classic music in the car, not gonna lie.

The coleman bro camping part is also so ridiculous it works.
Can't really get over how much I hate the story and everything about the presentation. The combat's cool and I want to hang out with the kaiju stuff but I just hate looking at this game.


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