A classic, remember playing it as kid. Controls are a mess, also it is difficult (0 lives = start form wolrd 1) but short.

Pretty good, liked all the gameplay. However I think that its difficulty is too high (of thinking where to go or what to do, enemies are easy)

Best dragon ball game ever
Story mode isn't that great as Tenkaichi 2, but the combats are much better. Also the roaster is huge.

Not my type of game, however it is incredible how the game datils on very aspect of the character, items and gameplay in general. Pretty realistic, but a lot for me. Also there isn't a main goal, you could survive just fishing far away from the cities.

Very fun to play, having the freedom to choose and explore the levels is something not all games offer. I liked to figure how to get some hidden stars too. The fast paced levels isn't something all 3d plataformers offer these days.
Game graphics look good enough, controls suck, I can't turn around without doing a big twist, still better than DS version controls I think.

Short, but revolutionary. Liked the puzzles, and for me happening that is difficult.

Pretty good, but also very straight forward to finish the game, you just search and investigate materials to go deeper, repeat until reaching the deepest area. In terms of exploration I found it boring and little awarding.
Anyway, I liked it, pretty original idea of a ocean world, also the lore, it was interesting to find out what happens without the game detailing on it.

Very fun. It is more fun with friends, but also more disbalanced (harder).

It has a great nostalgic gameplay. The difficult is ok, you can play the hard mode if you want. However I felt it short.

This game is at least 2 steps ahead of what I am thinking. Also have the best Soundtracks of all the games I've played.

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This review was written before the game released

Updating my review. The game is basically a shop. It can be enjoyed with friends at least

I enjoyed playing it a lot. Mostly in free battles with my friends. Story is also enjoyable, but it isn't my favorite arc of the series.
Anyway, a good game to play against friends.

It is Minecraft.
Modded or Vanilla I always come back to play it.

This is my first Souls (I played souls-like before anyway) and I enjoyed it so much. Despite I was most of the time lost because the game don't explain exactly what to do I have a great time with it. Personally I think that is something good, a open world should let you explore freely and make you know which zones are to early to get into. Also I liked the lore of the game and I am willing to replay it again to this timedefeat all bosses.