It's a cute little reimagining of the original Mario Bros arcade game. The controls are a little fecked but it could be worse. The best part is when the score flies towards your face in 3D.

If it wasn't for the zoomed in aspect ratio it would be the best way to play the original Mario Bros. The features it adds are amazing and I wish we got a modern port of Mario Bros with those features included. the red coins ad so much replayability to the game. And the ghost chase is both extremely fun and annoying.

I adore this game. One of my favorite games ever actually, it's perfection in my eyes. I don't know how people have problems with the camera, if anything it has a little hitch, then you move a little and it's fixed. Nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. The level design is perfect. The controls still hold up. Man it's just such a good game. I advise you 100% the game, the whole thing is non-stop fun.

Oh man this game is so good. I spent the better part of... Hours playing the Original Mario Bros Arcade game. I thoroughly enjoyed stomping on... Koopas. The only thing that's missing from this game is the King... BOWsEr.

Fuck you Nintendo.

What more can be said.

Fuck you Peta. Get mad about something that actually matters in life.

Tears of the Kingdom is a close to perfect as I think a game can be right now. Simply stunning. It took me 135 hours to beat the game and I enjoyed every second of it. It fixes literally every issue with Breath of the Wild, there's almost no need to go back and play it. If I had to say anything bad about the game it would be the clunkier UI and I wish it did more in some places. Seriously that's basically the worst stuff I can say about it, I wish there was even more in the game.

Everyone has their picks but for me, this is the greatest game of all time and I'm not sure anything will ever top it.

One of the best deals in all of gaming, right next to Valves Orange Box. Nintendo actually tried with this collection (crazy I know, 3D All Star kids' minds are blown right now). The graphics for every Mario before World have been upgraded. The style has been a little tainted because of all the Flash games I played as a kid. Still the graphics are tasteful redone and they look really good. The controls are however complete shit. Mario Bros 1, 2, and 3 feel crappy. Specifically breaking blocks is janky as hell. Still, with Super Mario World included it is naturally going to be rated highly.

Now I can do math AND get no maidens at the same time!

Aesthetically amazing. The controls feel relatively tight, bar a few exceptions. The levels are very hit or miss and I honestly felt there was more misses then hits. Especially the later half goes to crap and the janky bar janky grinding and pole swinging reveal themselves in all their hateful glory. Also worth noting the character writing is flippin' amazing, and the voice acting is stunning too. I enjoyed my time with the game, but there is a lot of untapped potential that I hope is in the sequel!

It's really hard for me to say much about a Hat in Time. It's my favorite video game ever, period, right up there with Breath of the Wild. It's 3D platforming perfections.

It oozes with personality. The characters are top tier. The voice acting is full of energy and the only voice I don't like might be mustache girl. Everyone else is stellar.

The controls are phenomenal. It actually fights with Mario Odyssey for the best controlling 3D platformer in my eyes. It's simple but man does it work.

The levels are so creative. Compared to classics like Mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie, Hat in Time knocks it out of the park with some of the most creative and amazing ideas I've ever seen. One chapter your trying to turn off lava facets in a town full of Mafia men, the next you are trying to solve a murder on a train full of Owls and suspicious crows. It has so many ideas, I don't want to spoil them all but they are legendary.

The visuals. Compared to how phenomenal the rest of the games aspects are the graphics are probably Hat in Times weakest aspect now that I think about it. It's not the most visually impressive game but it's cute and it gets the job done. It looks like Windwaker without cell shading and I really dig it.

Lastly the soundtrack is incredible. "Trainwreck of Electro Swing" is of one of my favorite songs ever, in all of media. "Your Contract Has Expired" is simply beautiful, one of the best boss themes I've ever heard. The Hat Ships main theme was composed by Grant Kirkhope (the legend himself) and it shows. I can keep pointing out stellar tracks but we'd be here forever.

It takes many aspects from 3D platformers of the past and combines them to be one of the best gaming experiences money can buy. I have never (and probably will never again) be smiling so much while playing a game. The whole thing was so much whimsical fun. Please, if you haven't already, buy the game and play it, if you like 3D platformers you'll probably love it.

I have gotten Hat in Time with all DLC on three separate occasions. I have it on PC, Switch, and PS4. That's how good the game is, I purchased it numerous times and 100% it every time. I don't say this lightly, a Hat in Time is the best 3D platformer I have ever played, the best game over all I have ever played. The only genuine con I can think of is that the game is too short, and I wish there was more to play.

By far the best 2D Mario Game. The secrets are vague but still possible to figure out for yourself with no help. Almost every level is amazing. The World map is incredible. The controls are phenomenal. The spin jump is extremely fun to use. It's just so damn good play it please.

It's a cute little visual novel with the Sonic characters, not a lot more can be said. The visuals are phenomenal, the gameplay is... Well... It's a visual novel.

I think over all the game overstays it's welcome a little bit, but there isn't much to complain about since it's free. Definitely the best April Fools joke I've ever experienced.

(Spoilers for the game mechanics)
There's this minigame you have to play to "think". It's fine but it gets super annoying towards the end of the game. You have to constantly play the game back to back and it gets old fast.

Felt like a Half Life style escape room game. Love the atmosphere, and the puzzles are actually solvable without a YouTube tutorial (I'm looking at you Hello Neighbor). The save system kind of sucked and I lost two hours worth of progress over the course of the whole game. Pretty annoying retreading things you've done before.

Definitely the best collection of two good games and World Class Track Meet I've ever played.