Great Twists

Games that include a major plot twist that changes your perception of events or characters.

Notes contain spoilers.

- Toa is A-TO
- Toa is a revenant but harmless
- Kagura is the killer revenant
- Hanate was never your brother
- Bumby set the fire
- Thomas and Martha Wayne were criminals
- Vicki is Lady Arkham
- Bendy and the Ink Demon are the same creature
- "Would you kindly?"
- Catherine is a succubus behind the mysterious deaths
Where To Fucking Begin
- Each culprit reveal
- Junko is the mastermind
- The outside world is destroyed
- Monika is sentient
- Anders blows up the Chantry
- Solas is Fen'Harel
- Blackwall isn't a Grey Warden
- Cloud was never a SOLDIER
- Serah has the Eyes of Etro
- Edelgard is the Flame Emperor
- Ennard had already dismantled the animatronics, including Circus Baby


- Mary is a living painting
- Six eats the nome
- Six consumes the Lady's powers
- Six lets go of Mono
- Mono is The Thin Man
- Aya becomes like her father
- Glados is not a pre-recorded voice
- Glados is trying to kill you
- You were killed by the Red Plague and resurrected by Asra
- Lucio wasn't murdered
- Julian has the plague
- The courtiers are demons
- You worked to cure the plague with Julian before you died
- The entire concept of the game
- You are the witch
- Crane has been stalking Snow
- Georgie killed Lily and Faith
- Snow isn't dead
- Faith and Nerissa


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