10 reviews liked by Halryk

Samus se manie à la perfection, le framerate est impec et le jeu est tellement beau, mention spéciale à la carte très bien détaillée et clean

Mais il y a un seul truc qui m'empêche de lui donner 5 étoiles : les E.M.M.I

Ces saloperies qui te foutent le stress et qui te one shot si tu loupes le contre (le laps de temps pour appuyer sur le bouton, faut avoir des réflexes de ninja xD), encore heureux qu'on recommence à l'entrée de la salle et pas au dernier point de sauvegarde

Ceci étant dit, c'est un sacré jeu à faire et à refaire

Ce jeu...

Le gameplay, la direction artistique, le sound design, la musique, l'atmosphère des deux mondes, l'exploration, la narration, le rythme, le level design.
Je suis sincèrement admiratif devant le travail pharaonique et excellentissime de Retro Studios.

Pour ma part, c'est le meilleur épisode de la trilogie, et même l'un des meilleurs jeux de toute l'histoire de cette licence.

Prions pour un remake.

Le truc avec ce jeu, c'est qu'avec les guns ça devient une promenade, t'as pas de challenge. Même le scénar (sans parler du doublage et du script) est osef tier, t'as l'impression que Dante il sait pas ce qu'il fout ici x)

T'as quelques musiques qui sont bonnes, les épées sont inutiles parce que les guns, et même la partie avec Lucia est pas trépidante (le niveau dans l'eau au secours)

Capcom devrait songer à remake ce jeu, parce qu'il a quand même du potentiel

It's been too long that I haven't played a game from Suda51. And once again, it was a blast. Since I've played DMC and Yakuza, I fucking love beat em all. And this one is SO GOOD.

I love everything : the gameplay, the graphics, the music, the chara design, the japanese voice acting. I AM A FAN !!

Suda won again !
Maybe the best BTA from the guy (and I did No More Heroes games).



I bought this game a few years ago, but I never took the time to play it so I did.

It is such a strange and mystical journey, full of colors and emotions. It doesn't want to be a strong entry in the platformer genre, it want to tell you something : a introspective story. I can't tell anything without spoiling, it needs to be played to be understood.

And yes, I genuinely loved Gris.
It is like watching a beautiful animated movie full of emotions and feelings like Children of the Sea.
I will never forget this experience.

Tinykin has to be one of the best surprises for me this year; I finally decided to give it a go when prompted by a friend, and once I was a level in, I couldn't put it down.

You play as a lil guy who's found himself in the vestiges of an abandoned house teeming with intelligent bug life, and have to traverse the rooms solving everyone's problems while searching for parts to escape. The game was marketed to me as a 3D platformer with Pikmin influences, and it turned out to be even better than that. It's a very chill time, because there's no timer or lives system to put pressure on the player, and unlike the Pikmin games, you don't even have to micromanage your Tinykin via specific pathing or keeping a close eye on them to make sure they don't die; they'll just stick with you, and the targeting system automatically picks the Tinykin you need for each situation. The movement is pretty simple for a 3D platformer, but the controls are very tight and it honestly feels really exhilarating sliding around and scaling all the rooms; there are plenty of back-up ropes and silk lines to slide across to make backtracking much easier, and you can even grind along edges if you feel like optimizing your movement or just want to have a good time.

The only complaint here is that trying to get all the pollen in each room can be a bit annoying when it's very difficult to tell what pollen you've missed out on, and I do wish that there was a radar or some other kind of tracking mechanic to better figure out the locations of any pollen not already collected. Nevertheless, I was thoroughly engaged for a solid six and a half hours and I'm glad I took the time to check this out on Game Pass; I'm always down for a solid 3D platformer with Chibi-Robo vibes, for Tinykin more than delivered with no excess fat to be found.

Every night, Super Mario 64 wakes up in a cold sweat, realizing it will never be Banjo-Kazooie.

I really don't mind the worlds being big and the backtracking, this is my favourite game of all time, an amazing sequel to BK

The perfect remake of a timeless masterpiece.

I'm the most popular person in the city. A lot of people need jobs.

3 lists liked by Halryk