Scariest game I’ve ever played

3 stars until last hour where it becomes a 5 star horror game

First video game that showed dead bodies that I played as a kid. Got too uncomfortable and couldn't finish it.

All three stars are for the mini-golf minigame

Would be a 5/5 if not for the shooting/hunting bits

Best Final Boss Battle Of All Time

Used to think this was the best zelda, and while I appreciate it for it being the first 3d zelda, I must acknowledge the improvements that future titles bring/fuck the hookshot in the water temple

When this game was downloading, my college roomate watched me get on the leaderboard of the time trial that it came with

Worse than 7 in nearly every way but it was surprisingly funny

Great Atmosphere, gameplay, and replayability. One of my Top 5 games.

I had no idea what was going on which was normal for a kingdom hearts game, but I also didn't understand the battle system

This game was really weird. The french really are a different breed

Fond memories playing this on the bus to camp. I didn't tell people about the slide mechanic because I didn't want to give away why I kept winning

I cannot express how much I love this game. Its charming artstyle always calmed me down as a anxious child(except for the octo whirlpools, those gave me nightmares and I shut off the gamecube if I got too close) The story is fantastic, the gameplay is solid. It may be one of the easier ones but it truly accomplishes what it sets out to do. This game is in my top 5 of all time.