Probably the best game in the series. Actually functional online with crossplay, a better story mode than any of the previous games, amazing visuals with the most responsive gameplay in years, and a fantastic launch roster.

Also love that Tekken 8 continues to not only include alternate costumes from the start but makes unlocking and customizing costumes for characters incredibly easy compared to Street Fighter 6. I'd honestly rather have this form of customization to character creation that doesn't look anywhere near as good as the real cast.

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I can't believe this game has TWO boss fights each with a different Nine Inch Nails track -- peak rhythm action game.

Improves on Jedi Fallen Order in basically every way, but most importantly for me, giving us more mobility and combat options.

I loved the story and how it's not afraid to pull punches. There are real stakes felt almost immediately and the third act is just so well done.

The greatest survival horror game of all time, and it reminds me of that fact every single time I replay it. I would not change a thing about this beautiful, ugly, weird, sad piece of interactive art.

Truly cannot believe how poignant this game's writing is 23 years after its release. Improves on all of the mechanics from the prior games with a fantastic art design, soundtrack, story, and unforgettable boss fights.

This remains my favorite Metal Gear game.

Crisis Core Reunion definitely shows signs of being a remake of a PSP game released in 2007, with its incredibly brief mission structure and small areas to explore, but I think it still handles the transition better for Final Fantasy VII than Kingdom Hearts did, and Reunion adds a lot of quality of life upgrades that make the experience much more pleasant.

Playing this so close to Final Fantasy VII Remake magnifies the issues I have this Crisis Core's writing, especially with the character Genesis whom I loathe.

All the same, I still love the character Zack. The game does a lot to make him a fun, respectable guy thrust into ridiculous situations.

Excellent action RPG title with some really cool storytelling elements utilizing classical literature like Pinocchio to examine themes of what truly makes people human. Also gave me vibes of Fullmetal Alchemist. Laxasia is the hardest boss.

This remains my favorite Final Fantasy game to play. It's so impressive how well the developers were able to combine elements of free 3D movement and action with the original Active Time Battle system, and I love how Remake combines the Materia system of VII with the ability learning from equipment of IX and the upgrade system of X but applied to weapons to make every weapon remain viable.

It's very tricky to do meta-narratives well but I really do enjoy how Final Fantasy VII Remake builds off of the original Final Fantasy VII and parts of the Compilation to create something new and exciting. The dialogue is so good and makes these versions of the characters my favorite, and the new versions of the old music as well as brand new tracks are fantastic.

I'm extremely excited for Rebirth and the future of this crazy story.

One of the finest story-driven action games of the 21st century.

Though I still prefer the Solid Snake games because of the futuristic tech, Metal Gear Solid 3 is undeniably great in its own unique regards between fighting the Cobra Unit in a multitude of ways, playing with different camouflage effects, eating various creatures, and the hidden Easter eggs.

Great horror game that's equally cute and spooky with a neat story that doesn't overstay its welcome. Some really good puzzles that honestly stumped me for a good while, and it plays perfectly on the Steam Deck.

Parts of this game really didn't age well mechanically, and the dialogue can get very exposition heavy, but damn if Metal Gear Solid 1 isn't full of charm. I first played this around 20 years ago and I still remember most of it.

Criminally underrated game, I love the social aspects of hanging out with the different characters and the addictive deck building tactics combat.

Head canon is that Wanda is bi.