Only problem with Smash 4 is that there is literally no reason to ever play it again anymore.

Secretly an 80's arcade game in disguise. The limited continues are a punishing addition for a first playthrough, but once you learn how to get good at the game they won't get in the way at all. Game looks great, plays great, sounds great, and is easily my second favorite classicvania.

Well, I used to hate this one. But I just recently replayed it and... actually had a lot of fun! I cannot defend the map design on the first playthrough, it's terrible, but when you're replaying and are actually able to plan routes you don't really notice it. There's also tons of really fun advanced tech to get good at that gives it the most involved combat of the GBAvanias.

Only major complaint is the final boss, who is extremely annoying/boring and I dread every time I play. But other than that, this game slaps hard. The best bosses in the series, better implementation of the soul system than Aria, the best map design in the series, and some amazingly fun sequence breaks for replays.

The final boss is a little iffy, and the sidequests are definitely bad at times with their 1% drop rates, but besides that, this game is nonstop fun and creativity. The bosses are only topped by Dawn of Sorrow, the soundtrack has some great ones, and as a whole it's just a perfected blend of minor metroidvania navigation and combat more akin to the classicvanias.

While more flawed than REmake, I'd say it's about on the same level as RE2 with 2 being just a bit more fun. Nemesis is absolutely amazing and one of my favorite inclusions to any game in the series so far, and the ammo crafting and live selections are a ton of fun. I think the game falters in the map design and navigation (nowhere near on the level of REmake or even the first half of RE2) but it definitely makes up for it with Nemesis alone and the RNG enemies and items.

Though this game is quite lacking in the story department outside of a few things like the protagonist and chapter 7 in particular (which I'll fully admit is fantastic), the gameplay makes the game more than worth a playthrough. Definitely 10/10 in that regard, and I'll probably get the DLC at some point. Great bosses (combat in general) and puzzles that make Dark Souls look like a game for babies. Music is pretty good too.

I said before that RE1 remake was one of the easiest 10/10s I've ever given. Nah nah. It's this now. No contest. Absolutely on the same level as REmake's gameplay (if not even better) with the added elements of the hilariously nonsensical story (with so many iconic memes), amazingly fun action movie setpieces, and genuinely ridiculous tension when it actually wants to be a horror game. Definitely a new top 10 game, I had a smile on my face literally the entire duration.

"So let me get this straight, you think Dracula X is a really solid addition to the series?"
I do, and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

The music takes a hit from Rondo of Blood, obviously, but visually, it clears in pretty much every area. Some really nice pixel art in this game.
The controls are basically the same except you move a lot slower now, which I don't think gets in the way too much as you're gonna be jumping a lot, which retains a faster speed.
There are a couple screens I can't defend, but for the most part, the level design and enemy placements are perfectly fine and even interesting in my opinion, and there are fun speedrun tricks and various bits of tech to employ throughout all of the routes. The bosses are just as good as they are in Rondo, too, and I definitely prefer this game's Dracula fight compared to Rondo's boring one. Not to mention this game has the best power/usefulness balance in the subweapons out of any game in the series.
Dracula X is a fun time in my opinion. Tricky to learn, but feels great to master.

I'm not even sure where to begin here. Do I talk about the extremely bad level design, the garbage final boss, the actively awful story, or the mid soundtrack with only one particularly standout song? I don't know, but this game is terrible at everything it attempts. It's a lot easier than The Adventure, so it doesn't personally piss me off as much as that game, but I honest to god just might say it's even worse.

While this game isn't worthless, I could write a full essay on why it sucks so much.
It has the worst enemy design out of all the metroidvanias in this series by a lot, awful screen crunch, shitty controls, and its general idea of game design makes it feel like it was made by people who don't play video games.
It can occasionally be fun, but its design philosophy is just inherently flawed in essence.
The soundtrack is very good, though I dearly wish there were more original songs because the few that there are are fantastic.

What a great game. Some of the most creative platforming challenges I've ever encountered, with every mechanic or gimmick being milked dry in the absolute best way. With 10/10 gameplay wrapped in a nice, cute story, there's never a dull moment. I will continue to play it to unlock the harder levels long after I've beaten the main story. Easy, easy recommendation.