This bastard look like a dog, but was is a F***ng peramelid.

Drakengard is a game that a little of gamers understand. Second part, make close this story, and the combat was kind of new, as a beat'em up in 3D, but with dragons.

Probably the best game in all RE. Have everything and two disc at PS1, who know the videogame making story, will know why.

Nothing to do with the original. Doki doki panic what is that?

Plot: A Fat man follows you because he loves you, the videogame.

Amazing game, not as Gold, but have a piece in my heart.

The worst playing action novel I ever played. What is a FF? Are you serious? No wonder why people photograph themselves with the Disc in their ass cheeks. Someday I'll gonna finish it. Story just sucks so much.

Amazing remake, but they could added more stuff. Devs must understand what is a remake than a remaster.

The game that teach how to cook at the end.

Was a good game? Moderate. Was the best? No. A lot of people have nostalgia issues. This game have levels where is the same level backwards... please...

Fun to watch, but is a bad RPG, we forget this one because it's South Park.

A Knight with a Shovel? How many of could have the gonads to arrive with that idea and publish it. Amazing Platform game, very well balanced, a run without being hit is harder than you think.

The only reason I do not give a 5 stars is because I couldn't played at PS3, but at Steam, a terrible port with the worst ratio of FPS among all RE. I finished it without knowing the remake is gonna arrive near. If you are gonna play it, do it out from Steam Store.

Amazing infection story, with an anticlimatic villain. Easy Final Boss Fight, not fun at all, but hard to complete at 100 % without help from Coop. Ahh yes I played at nightmare, too noob to know I was playing in the highest difficulty from the start, and too noob to know how to change it until I was near the end.