This game was good for fat people and criminals scums that wait you at any pokestation. GJ devs.

Refreshing game where the protagonist is literally Sasuke from Naruto but with mental gaps. Fun game from DS with a refreshing gameplay. Probably I'll gonna play it again but this time at RetroAchievements page.

Remember to beat this game in three consecutive days in a Mall that sold a lot of gamecubes. After three days I could finish it at then mastered at my friend's house when he bought it.

I can't believe this is at Nintendo Switch lol, all this time I though was a random game from Steam.

Simple and quick. A game that aged really well.

Ahh yes the hedgehog is back with a Fox with two tails, and evidence this is a second part. Fun, game IDK devs always made the first scenario look alike in both games, but ok. Let's give them a break. They cannot ruin this saga right?

I have an Issue with this one, we are talking about the remake from a game that was once considered as the best game ever made. How ever this version feels as something is missing. IDK why I feel like that when I was near to the end. Probably, because I expected a lot more.

IK why many people like this version. Capcom have to reduce the difficulty in this version Thanks to the occidental noobs.

Best Smash so far, sorry but this was a brawl game not what the franchise is now.

In this one, my favorite link made his third and last appearance. Learn a little about Zelda timeline.

Despite I rent this game thinking is gonna be about Samurai gameplay as Mushashi Franchise, I never though I'm gonna play one of the most critic gammes of life among gaming story, deep and tortuose Story line. A game that, probably, never gonna could be make in the fragile society in which we are currently living. A vast critic that changed a paradigm in writing a game story. Everyone must this, once at least.

Good story, I like more that than the gameplay. Memorable game with a difficulty that was emule after for a lot of franchise.

Amazing remake of a Classic originally made for gamecube. I recommend it a lot, specially for those who want to experience the first game saga. However, the first game it have the best horror atmosphere by far.

My Stats:

Ahhh the time where Sega used his certified sticker. I like Sonic, however its company don't treated well. Good game, too fast for a lot of players, that started a Saga that have future.