The Classic that started the final fantasy of Squaresoft, conserve their jobs and sustain their families. The last hope of a company that risk everything in one NES cartridge. If you don't like this version is because was harder for you (but the japanese version was the hardest). Remember, this game saw the light at 1987 were all J-RPG have the characteristic of players POV. FF saga change this fact, for first time as a player you could see your characters and the weapons they were using. One of my oldest memories.

After beating the game, try the challengue of 4 white mages.

A good remake of The Classic Shadow Warrior, very refreshing. Chinease cookies were my favorite new addition. I understand why many people don't like it. Sadly in the same year a lot of games offered more than this game, but for all that played the classic game, this tittle was amazing. Ki, Hoji, upgrades, and katana fights made this the Ultimate Shadow Warrior.

The best A-RPG from Sony, the Final Fantasy Killer that sadly ended to quick. For me is one of those games I'll never forget. HARPOOOON!!!

For me is the Final Fantasy with the best Starting plot. Is like a novel " Listen to my story. This...may be our last chance" Beuatiful. And in this one, Nobuo made his last job as the main composer in FF saga.

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The best FF for me, story, music, there is no Main character here. And is the first FF upon which the Evil ones won. A lot of things can happen here depend of your actions. Re-playable and the hardest one in 100 % completion.

This is one is my second favorite. The same year I played this my grandpa died, was the last and the first game he ever bought me and totally changed my life. This game is also the reason I was closer to evironmental studies. The Ex-soldier makes me re-play his story every five years (a tradition). See ya next, Nanaki.

The best Dream Team game, without words. This is probably the best J-RPG from all the time. Is refreshing in every aspect of a game and in its story. Just, CT.

The cursed hacked knives returned. "The revenge"

This is the best version that never needed an expensive "remake" (get out 2018 remaster).

IDK why people hated this game, the dual wield was an awesome addition.

The fastest version of the DS1 with new bosses and additions... but with a lienar boring ending. Literally ends as the first one.

Only haters, or fanboys of DSI don't like this game. Have a lot that make it funnier than DSI and have PVP live. So... yes I am still playing it.

PVP alive, unfair bans alive 10/10.

The best game with mods in all Steam. Advice: Pink guy as a hunter and Terry Crews as a tank. PooooowerRRRRR!!!