Atypical video game that has you actually processing a lot in your head as you try to dabble through what happened with the story, piece together what kind of keywords you have to look for to find more answers, etc, as you go through video recordings of talks someone had with the police, a unique game in the medium of video games.


There is a lot of good here, but it's just too repetitive.

Charming world for us weebs. Overall super short but cheap and also pretty cool character art/moments. Bite sized asf in a good way.


If you're a weeb and are fine with bite sized, this world is just super interesting and makes me want to cosplay it (not enough to fully commit cuz it's such a small project, but almost). Dragons are humanoids that have specific powers unique to them that aren't like "i shoot fire, I shoot ice, well I shoot lightning" but even can go onto a conceptual level, mystery, relationship (not romantic) bonding between characters, etc. Miwashiba's fictional worlds have all the charm in the world, this is my favorite in that regard I'd say so far of what I've played.

Pinball metroidvania
Pinball metroidvania
Pinball metroidvania

Just a charming game overall.

If you can get over it, you'll like it out of some pride thing and not the game itself, if not, you'll hate it. Honestly while there is a good core to this game, it just gets boring after a while and frustrating.

Once you no longer fear the encounters, the game becomes a boring follow the object walking simulator that drags too long.

The search and find are more interesting than the rest of the game, and don't come often, but overall just a good breath of fresh air if you need something from a genre you don't touch much.

One of the indie games I think about when I think about charming and unique art style indie games. Time loop where you try to find out how a murder is done, and also how you are going to make it NOT happen without getting directly involved besides playing in rooms that no one else is in to manipulate the environment to your ends (no one dying)

Game is also just unique in it's art design.

Fun for a bit couch co op for when you want to have wacky weirdness with a friend.

Oozes with charm and character, going from location to location is a bit boring though after a while, not upset I beat it, but not rushing to play through it again all these years later.

Unique little adventure but not very replayable. It's an experience, but one that gives you the option to choose your dialogue to change how things go, so not only a gallery of pretty walking.