While I like the unlimited ammo system of the first game conceptually, this game makes much needed improvements to the combat that makes it feel better (not perfect). Overall it's an interesting world, but is mainly hurt by just how far gaming has come.

Just boring, I've tried to get back into beating my first playthrough like 4 times over the years, and even back then I dropped it, and by todays standards of both the industry and me, holy shit it's just boring. One of the earliest "ubisoft formula" games for open world, and it's just not good.

Kind of jank, but FULL of charm. It's a pretty and also very atmospheric AA game, with a killer soundtrack too. I want more games in this world.

Good game that plays better than any of the others in it's series (most recent in the dark souls proper series being dark souls 3). Some fun bosses, faster than the original, a lot less reliant on shields, and just fun. I prefer nioh but this is my fav of the trilogy.

Great game, it and hong kong are up there as competitive titles to each other. Overall this is a lot more streamlined I think but shadowrun hong kong has a large scale. But yeah, charming characters, charming world, interesting builds, etc.

Really god damn boring, even with an s/o or good friend.

Solid game, but has some pretty meh filler missions. Overall a benchmark for it's time but not anymore.

Fun game that really starts to mark it as special when you learn how to properly do aerials, but you eventually after (a quite long time) get bored and move on. Also heavily dependent on who you play with if you have a good time.

Solid game for it's time but probably hasn't aged well by modern standards, the dlc were charming though.

My favorite in the series, there is a lot of tension, mystery, etc to it, should be played first. Overall it's just a quirky murder mystery about people being pushed to their limits, shallow characters but nice art, premise, etc.

Solid game that has a charming cast, interesting puzzles in it's first person shooter gameplay (with how unique ammo types are), and just a fun experience overall.

Solid visual novel with an assortment of interesting characters, bigger but not necessarily as charming as the first one, but a lot of people might disagree.

Solid tactics game with a lot of content to it for it's time. Also nice artstyle.

Great mystery/pseudo science visual novel series (all 3, these 2 are the better ones overall than the 3rd sold separately though) that makes multiple paths canon in an interesting way.

Very good and decently long western rpg with an interesting template for world, this is the third game and I really like the whole trilogy.