Repetitive game made by a bad developer. Overall the only saving grace is it's gameplay loop, but it boring, plus the dev is a bad person.

I'd argue this is one of the best horror games in the industry, indie or not. I'd argue this is one of my favorite indie games in general, if not the most. Great game lol. Horror mixed with modern corporate culture, with resident evil style gameplay without the combat + occasional soft stealth. (so you'll be backtracking to old areas with key items to get into other locations you couldn't before, etc etc, while avoiding horrific creatures)

Can't recommend this game enough.

Super charming game that doesn't have enough of it's charm to fill out it's gameplay, I like what's there, but a lot of what's there is repeated. Super charming art.

Fun purely on doing it with friends, there is some scares but it's repetitive enough where friends are needed.

Great genre breaking game that does a lot with said genre. Also the combat is interesting as you have to learn enemies tells and timings, and how you avoid it with a mix of ducks, jumps, blocks, and timed parries. Go in blind and play through the game, there are plenty of surprises in it for ya. Also a lot of platforming.

Very charming western isometric rpg where you have a party xcom style (not as hardcore) and you can build out your main however you want like a dnd character + soft improvement paths to choose from for your party, just a good game, but it's 2 sequels are even better.

Fun with a friend or s/o, not the best game by any stretch but you could get some joy out of it, some of the situations are very wacky and over the top.

Honestly just one of the best horror games around, it is a lot more horror and serious than the original version with this remake. The game is pretty, has a lot of level design quality, and it's just suspenseful.

The first 3 or so stories in the game are charming and great, then it feels like the quality falls off hard. If only the game could be as good as the first 1/3rd or half. The one with the ghosts was it at it's peak.

Great tactics game, hits on a lot of the same stuff as the first game, and is overall a charming experience, play in order.

More production value and larger scale, the strength of this and the 2nd game area lso very much built off of playing the three in order and transferring your choices over. Play this trilogy.

Faster than it's first game with a lot more you can do, also just a more fully fleshed combat system, get this game 100% over the sequel, you won't miss much outside of a few story points and a character from the first game making an appearance in an optional content in this game. The bosses are better, the game is less frustrating, better level design, games has higher production value, etc etc.

When it was active it was decently fun, albeit repetitive, but even if you come in with a friend now, it's just aged badly, is worse than it's sequel, and also it's pretty much just wave killing.

A grindfest that if you're not really willing to grind, will bore you tbh. It's also very basic, very budget title of it's genre where there are better. Certainly though it's been supported well, but eh, with how these games work, you might as well focus on the 1-2 in the genre that REALLY do it well, and if you want to play a lot of games, just skip.

I actually hate this game. The world is interesting, the combat isn't bad but not great, and overall it'd be something I could play through and get some enjoyment out of it.

But no, they couldn't let that be.

The game is built in a way where if you're off to do quests, you have to go through map transfers, but to do map transfers, you have to defeat enemies spawn guarding the exits/entrances, because you can't move to another map when you're in combat, so you have to fight 1000 battles doing side quests and stuff that you normally wouldn't ever do, which makes the game just unplayable bore fest trash. They did a lot well but one design choice completely ruined the whole game without remorse.