The tiniest little box of brilliance in video games. Incredible way to spend ten minutes.

My excellent friends are more interesting then this game allows us to be. However it does pack lots of comedy into the sandbox.

Started a lot of trends in first person narrative design that I ultimately find to be gimmicky and flat. Obviously better than I'm giving it credit for but has always been an awkward game for me.


It's very cute and I like a lot of what it's doing storywise but I did not enjoy playing this game really at all.

Does the impossible task of remaking a classic while essentializing itself as a wholly separate experience.

As a 33 year-old, this game is just one long fist pump.

Incredibly interesting control scheme that I failed to appreciate fully.

One of the most interesting game worlds ever conceived.

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The moment in the tank is one of the most beautiful moments in all of video game canon.

Did not do the homework, failed the test.

Can't believe that I loved this so much as a child. It has not survived the years.

One of the poster children for surprisingly inventive NES games that we should all pay more attention to.


Has experienced so much creative inflation that you're better served playing the children of this game then visiting the original.


The second essential video game after Mario 3.


The bible for the modern 3D art game.