March, 2023


February, 2023


didn't connect with the first few maps I played. felt a little like beginner map makers finding their feet. don't know if that's actually true, of course

skipped ahead, sort of, to Robert Yang's contribution and damn that man can design a level of a video game. just immensely consistent. Wiedo's Set in Stone was also very fun, liked that a lot


PC ports were good for a second there

shader compilation stutter is the bane of my existence. game seems alright otherwise


this is some of the most stilted writing I've seen in years

not that I was expecting much after the first game, but this shit is so bland and ineffectual that it's actively putting me off

for some reason this game also reminds me of when someone at Ubisoft said women are too difficult to animate


Didn't grab me. Shooting especially feels profoundly mediocre.
Cute! If you enjoy this type of gameplay, I could see this being an incredible experience.

But I don't, really.

January, 2023


so many predictable issues, just the nature of it, but... it's a really nice space to look at. Dani continues to be a pleasure, and I'm enjoying being in Yara, wingsuiting to different places, taking pictures, hanging out with Chorizo

love Chorizo

Picture: Chorizo
Picture: Dani and Chorizo




Started / Finished


there is a lot of Ubisoft here, which is always unfortunate, but god damn I really like Dani Rojas. gotta be my favorite protagonist in a while, at least in the AAA sphere. she's just fun. confident, competent. not overly complicated, still very compelling


hey, uh, Quake 2 maybe isn't so good? raytracing shit aside, these guns look and feel incredibly bad. I never played it back in the day, but... think I'll stick to Quake



yeah, I don't know about this. probably play until I have my fill of Far Cry shoot and stab and I'm inevitably sick of the Ubisoft of it all



Overwatch is fun, but everything surrounding it, including the matchmaking, is so actively repellant that I'm just no longer having a good time playing the game. So I'm gonna stop.




6 keys tried, 46 seconds

Started / Finished

5000. Three years. Progress took a hit after the first few months, but hey. Halfway. Maybe I'll be back here in '26.

Uh. Maybe.

Screenshot: 5000


Still haven't touched any of the maps from 3. But after a long break, I just finished New York! Really good.

Such a stellar series of games.

December, 2022

Not sure what it is. Maybe just not for me. The production is undeniable, but it's not really hitting.



yeah, not... great. but enjoyable enough for an hour 30




can't imagine I'll be enthralled by the puzzles here, but I hope we see raytracing used more for compact environments like this. looks really nice



really strong first impression



I'm vaguely intrigued by the framing, and I really like the two main voice actors. I'm just not that compelled by the writing, or the morality system. The strength of those performances and this dark fairy tale vibe they've got going might've evened it out, but... it's not very fun. The bow has no punch at all, and the magic is no better.



This seems good. Not in the mood for it right now, but I'm likely to come back later.
Deeply impressive as a project. I'm just slowly learning that I love short Quake levels, and mostly tolerate anything longer than 15-20 minutes. So I might chip at this over time, but the first level (I played) was exhausting.