A good improvement from the PS3 version overall but you won't get anymore rating because you removed the story mode.
Also Pucci is a fucking monster and I love to main him again

Great game and fun combat
Storywise a few pacing issues but still good (those finale fights are insanely good)
Love the bits between cop and triad.
DLCs are a bit divisive
Zodiac Tournament one is the best
Jiang Shi one is hilarious
Year of the Snake starts good but gets meh at the end like wtf

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Not saying this DLC was necessary but it does give a nice ending to the game as a whole.
Nazamil is an interesting character but her whole story of being ostracized is very sad.

It starts off a little rough but gets easier as you proceed in story mode.
Love the character variety and the boss fights while good some can be a bit tricky.
OST is catchy too.

It's a fun game but this game is terrible with checkpoints
Also items/heals not respawning after a death during a boss fight is ludicrous

Definitely a great stealth game and the setting and story it has are great.
I love the multiple options you have to take out the marks, from selling them to the slums ppl, to poison their drinks, to kidnap them, to exposing their truth. I love this variety.
Also the Boyle Party mission is one of my favourite parts of the game.

The perfect blend of artstyle, puzzles (albeit some ridiculous bits lmao), and fast combat. A perfect story, great OST (highly addictive to hear).
This is a masterpiece of an indie game. I HIGHLY recommend to play this. You will not regret it.
Also Luke is best boi next to Sergey and Lea is best girl.

Seriously fuck this dlc dungeon with all its puzzles I wanted a balanced experience not a puzzle every 5 minutes
I was extremely excited at first but this dungeon just ruined the entire dlc for me

I'll say it right off the bat. This shits on DQXI. I don't care what you say. This game is proof that older games are still (and/or) better than newer ones. This story is so damn good and the cast I love all of them!
Psyche mechanic is so damn busted and it's super fun to destroy annoying bosses. (Seriously fuck any boss who spams disruptive wave, the single worst move in the franchise)
Also Hero x Medea 4 life (sorry, not sorry Jessica and her fans, she maybe great and all but it isn't right to deny Medea of her childhood friend and love)

Aigis: To care about someone dear to you, that doesn't necessarily mean that the pain of living will stop.
If something's precious, you don't want to lose it...
If someone's dear, it's painful to part with them....
Loss can hurt but...I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
I too have something to protect.

Ngl, this story really shows the true depth of the 5 stages of grief, it's great.
Also y'all bitches better be ready for it in the Remake when the DLC arrives in September.

Monster Hunter anime form. Am I wrong tho?
There is clearly an influence of it in this game, not that it's a bad thing. The game is very fun but the story is rather rushed and the new OCs are pretty meh (Outside of Maggie and Rolan).

I believe in Dr. Casper Darling supremacy
Also featuring Jean Grey in an episode of The Office.

This game is quite the psychedelic adventure. Lots of X-Files and Twilight zone references with a sauce of Twin Peaks involved. It's an amazing game.

This game is just outstanding.
While playing and 100% each DLC is such a fun experience.
Foundation DLC is really good with the deep lore (That movie camera sequence with the platform is the best quest of the entire game)
AWE DLC: Like seriously the devs dialed the horror factor up to 11 and the mystery with Hartman and Alan Wakes distress call shrouded in darkness and danger is insanely good.
Can't wait to start Alan Wake 1 and 2 to dive deeper into the Dark Place.

Surprisingly fun RPG (shame to get the real ending ya need to play it 8 times which can be a bit tedious).
Overall the cast is great but I wish there was more interactions or crossovers during their stories which would make it more engaging but oh well.
Olberic, Alfyn, Ophilia and Cyrus are my top favourites.