My first Zelda, and first log in quite a long while, oops.
This is good! I like the style. I like the robots. I like the fighting. I like the sense of <i>accomplishment.</i> What is there <i>not</i> to like?
I dunno. I haven't finished this yet.


While certainly one of the most influential mobile games of all time, and absolutely one of the most iconic OST from a game, I......just couldn't get into Bad Piggies upon replay. For some strange reason, I was bored of the game a few days after I had installed it, despite knowing that I had a multitude of things left to create, race, do and more.
It's still a charming, stylistic game with tons of promise, and I need to really devote more time to it, but I think I played enough to know that the charms worn off. Oh well.

A rather....egg-citing game! I thought it was....egg-cellent!
Although the controls were....enEGGmatic! Muahahah!
But seriously, I used to hate this game due to the fact that most of the players in 90% of the servers are either highly skilled players with the largest ego you've ever seen, or just skilled players that don't acknowledge anything. Either way, my ass would be pounded in minutes, and that wasn't exactly fun. Revisiting it, those issues still exist, but what makes up for it are the game mechanics, weapon designs, maps and the insane fun of playing this with your friends. Good times
I gotta say, my only pet peeve nowadays is that there are people who are WAY too into this game. I know kids who spent half their life playing this, and while I respect the grind, there is plenty of grass outside at this very second, unless you live in a city.
Overall, fun little game to play with friends. Better than Krunker.

You know what? Screw it. Modern mobile games may be bad, but when they're good they are absolutely gorgeous.
Take this, for an example. On the surface it seems like a lazily done stickman-fighting game that'll entertain you for a few minutes, but when you download it and play it, you find that it's a whole lot more. For instance, there are multiple ways you can play this game. Single player, multiplayer, solo-apocalypse, mulitplayer-apocalypse, and if you're tired of doing that, then feel free to CREATE your own levels and add them to your levels list!
Whether it's with a friend or on your own, you'll find so much to enjoy, this game is simply just a chaotic, thrilling and spontaneous time that I love to play. Every now and then I have a 'tournament' with my friends to see who can come out on top, and that is absolute, unfiltered fun.
Overall, this game is simply great and I recommend it to all those rare mobile gamers out there.


Hell yeah!
While sure, the endless levels do get repetitive, you just can't deny the absolute surge of adrenalin you get from this game. Love that feeling, if you can't tel!
The enemies aren't just CTRL C+CTRL V, they actually feel like genuine obstacles that you have to fucking maul to get through. By the way, have you HEARD the soundtrack?
Overall, one of the best FPS games and easily one of the best soundtracks as well.

I was extremely let down at first, due to the repetitive scenarios and decisions, but soon I began to realise that I just had to work harder to get the different endings and options. Ever since then, this game has grown on me and is now something I play all the time. It's neat! You can make great stories and feel satisfied when you gain new stuff. Again, pretty neat.

If you asked me how i'd describe Mario Kart 8 Deluxe in a single sentence, I'd simply say that it's an absolute BLAST. I have little knowledge of the Mario Kart series, but the moment that I finished my first race, I instantly knew that this was one of my all-time favourite. There is so much to love! First off, the energy and style of each race is absolutely riveting. Every single Race, Map, or even Kart is guaranteed to give you one hell of a time. For instance, one of my best all-time experiences is going full speed on Rainbow Road, that rush of pure adrenaline and victory at the end is just....incredible.
As for the other aspects, the graphics are great, the music slaps and the accesibility/customization/mechanic are freaking AWESOME. Such as a smooth, adrenaline-filled experience that I can't wait to play again.
Well done Nintendo. Well done.

I mean...meh? FPS just aren't my thing. Even if I somehow managed to get 'good' at this game, the endless rounds would just get repetitive. Still though, I like the pace, style and energy. Good stuff!

(Disclaimer: I'm not trying to diss anyone who plays this game. I'm just trying to tell you all about the horrible actions that the company have done.)

I never thought I'd say it, but I'm starting to really f***ing despise this game and its horrible company.
Let's talk about Ruben Sim, for instance!

If you don't know about Ruben Sim, he was a ROBLOX youtuber that called out the BS actions that the ROBLOX company had made (not giving the independant creators their fair share, ignoring all of the pedophile moderators on their site, making up stuff about Ruben Sim to make him look bad) and Roblox had the balls to sue him for 3 million dollars!
The company tried to ruin Ruben's image by declaring things that weren't true. They also ignored him trying to tell him that a few ROBLOX moderators were illegally tormenting minors.
For the whole information, see these videos here:

Roblox ignoring Ruben Sim telling them about the dangerous moderator.

Roblox suing Ruben Sim for 3.5 million dollars.

But aside from the terrible company, is there anything of worth for the actual game?
No. Screw this game. It's such a lazy, repetitive hell that doesn't deserve the ammount of popularity it has. There are like, 15 games on there that were made by genuine creators that wanted to try to create games that were ruined by the community. All the other games that gain massive popularity are simply ripoffs or just unoriginal and terrible. Also, the ROBLOX moderation system just doesn't work. At this day and age, at least thousands of Online Daters have been inappropriately interacting with kids, faking their age and releasing private information.

Damn this game! I really think that alot of people don't realise the BS that ROBLOX commits every day. It makes me angry to know this, and I hope that more people discover how bad of a job ROBLOX has done.

Worldbox, is a miracle in my eyes. Not only is it absolutely crisp in terms of visuals and design, but also just an absolute blast. The basic standard of this game is just that you're a god, and have absolute power of a box. Make a civilisation, destory everything, save it, the choices are yours as well as a million others. Even if the free version includes ads, I dare say that it's worth it. Absolute worth it.
What I also love in this game is simply the creativity. Not only do you have the standard god powers (change weather, create civilisations, mold the world) but you also have another dozen abilities that make the game a whole lot more fun. I seriously can't wait for the next update, and Maxim can take as much time as he wants.

Minecraft is....interesting, to say the least.
Despite it's over 10 year age, it's bizarre community and constant barrage of bad updates, it still is one of the most engaging, creative games of all time.
On paper, Minecraft is simple from the beginning. It's simply a 3d game where you use your wits and recourses to make do with your 'world'. And while countless other games have done the very same, always turns out to be the very best. It's gathered such an immense following in such a brief span of years, and created one of the largest, most devoted fanbases of all time, and it's absolutely stunning what some of them have done and created in this time.
My only problem with the game isn't even an objective issue, it's just the irritation that comes from watching it's fanbase (Youtubers especially) continue to churn out so much MC content that the game becomes horribly oversaturated.
Yes, even the creative creators on YT add to the pile of videos that make the game seem as if it's age demographic was toddlers.
But if you ignore the constant barrage of stupid MC YT content, then you can see how much of a phenomen MC is. It's simply a game where you can create, destroy and explore, yet the impact on the world of gaming it has left is incredible.

I feel like i've gone on and on about it's impact rather than explain what makes it amazing, so I'll say here.

My theory about what made Minecraft so popular (which is also a large reason for other popular video games) is the freedom that the player has. This game has no clear objectives, (and NO that doesn't count killing that bloody dragon!) which is basically the games selling point now. You don't have to follow the games as others do! From the very first time you can follow your own rules.

In the end, Minecraft is truly something special. Despite each flaw I mentioned, it still stands strong as one of the quintessential gaming experiences.

(this criticism of the game is not directed towards any oof my personal friends who play the game. Their opinion is theirs, and being rude to them just because they play a game would make me a bad friend. For instance, my friend KahuIsswag enjoys the game, and I'm not going to judge him for it. If you are offended by this review, then i'm sincerely sorry.)

Let's get this over with.
I personally dislike Fortnite and all it's seasons. And despite that statement, I can still recognise many great elements about the game that had the potential to be more than it was. For instance, the idea of the shrinking zone, which is a great device to use for building tension and elevating the game. And yes, there are certain aspects of the community that aren't toxic, childish or immature. However, I've just never caught onto the First and/or Third Person Shooter genre, and it doesn't help that Fortnite is one of the most overexposed and popular games of all time.
However, if I was reviewing this objectivally, then this would probably have an extra star. The gameplay is fine, although I doubt I'll really get anything out of it, since I don't really play FPS games. I can see (and have seen!) people getting a real kick out of the gameplay, which I simply just can't relate to.
As for the weaponry, I suppose that there are some creative and nifty designs for the guns, although sometimes they just come off as OP.
However, the elements of the game that I simply don't like are:
1. The crossovers.
2. The V-Bux system.
3. The varying cringe Emotes. (the ones that were added just because they were trending)
I'll start with number one. What I simply dislike about each crossover with a familiar brand is simply because EpicGames is trying to make money>. Think about it. Most of the crossovers include a form of recognisable brand that is in the favour of most of Fortnites general audience. Star Wars, Marvel, DC, and even Dune! It's the same with the state of cinema right now. Most of the more popular films that have broken box-office records have gained this popularity simply because they are part of a recognisable brand, or are sequels to an already popular movie. Maybe both! For instance, most of the record breaking films these days are either part of a familiar brand of films. Top Gun: Maverick, Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Thor: Love And Thunder, the list goes on. People flock to these films because they recognise the brand, and decide to go see it.
And it's the same case for this game! Not only does EpicGames make money from the sponsorship, (and the endless ammount of people willing to use REAL MONEY to pay for a form of virtual currency) but it will also attract swarms of people that know the films.
Also, doesn't anybody realise how weird it is to watch these characters fight to the death? Idk man.
In my list of issues with the game, I also mentioned how I disliked the system that Fortnite used with their virtual currency, V-Bux. I might sound like an angry parent, but I just get so annoyed when people waste many on virtual games for 'pay to win' upgrades. In fact, just paying for anything inside of the game (this excludes paying for the installment of the game) in any video-game really just makes me shake my head.
Sure, Fortnite Players, you do you but in the end I still dislike the system heavily.
FInally, I also mentioned how I hated the emotes. This is more of a basic dislike, but just seeing the ammount of emotes that were simply added for the aspects of the community that use Tiktok, really just makes me sigh.
I know that it's just a game in the end, but seeing Goku hit the griddy is a new mixture of fear and cringe.
I'm sure there's some gamers in the Fortnite community that recognise the games faults, yet enjoy the game anyway. And good on them! If you enjoy Fortnite or any of it's seasons, then don't let me make you feel ashamed for playing it.
It's just a game that I personally think is overexposed and too popular for it's own good.

(In response to KahuIsSwaggs comment, I agree that this must have been a great way to pass time during the Quarantine. And yes, there are some creative game-modes that even I find interesting, even though the Imposters one is literally just (as I said) using brands to attract people to the game.
I've looked a bit more and no, there are no pay-to-win aspects, but I still don't like the diea that people use money just so they can buy skins, different gun designs and stuff like that.

With that said, still don't like the game

Good stuff! While it does still have that problem (which I have with most SONIC GAMES) where the endless levels and mental exhaustion from playing them them can really drive you away from continuing the game, I do admit that this is a sonic game done superbly. Amazing colours, sound design, music, story and all that jazz! Great game, especially fun to play with my bro LollycakeBOI!
But yeah, preeeetty fun game.

What was once a fun game is now simply a toddler's entertainment with far too many updates that completely change the game. If it wasn't for the memes back in 2021 (that eventually grew annoying) then I doubt this would have lasted longer than it did. Would not recommend the modern version, and I will not play it for another two years.