I wonder if the people who made this game are psychonauts

would be a lot better if it actually worked but im sure you know that already

op should have been bullied more

game's fun, but it really shouldnt exist. predatory monetization system, was pretty much just created to switch from loot boxes to battle pass and cover up the rest of the blizzard drama. i wish i was just playing overwatch 1

the characters really carried the entire experience, especially monaca. other than that, it was flawed, though i am a sucker for stories about trauma.

just watch the cutscenes on youtube. and skip some of those, too.

I don't think I'm supposed to be reading into this silly little idle game as much as I do

favorite little indie game, short and sweet metroidvania

its incredible that the best indie game of 2023 came out in january. hopefully there arent any antisemitic stereotypes (clueless)

Luigi's mansion hasn't aged very well. The graphics are dated, the animations feel stiff, a lot of the game design is questionable, or at least, would have been done differently today. Often, you're required to continue doing one thing for far too long, without very much feedback.

This age and experimentalism is luigis mansion's biggest weakness, but also it's biggest strength. We may never see another game in which luigi is characterized this way. You can see it in the dialogue reactions, and the prompts that show up when scanning an object with the gameboy horror. nowadays, mario is so sterilized that we will likely never get ideas like this again, and that's to say nothing of the humanoid portrait ghosts throughout the entire experience. They just don't make games like this anymore.

One particular issue I had is how your progress is wiped after beating the game. I had missed one portrait ghost, and didn't really feel like replaying the entire game just to get to that point. But that really only feels like a nitpick. The ranking system and boos encourage multiple playthroughs well enough to make this a bit of a moot point. There isn't much to justify going back and playing it a second time if you've done most of the content the first time around, but that's because I a depressed adult with not a ton of free time, living in 2023 where video games are so saturated, it just isn't worth my time to replay it again so soon.

It really does feel like a game from 2001. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing is for you to decide. Personally, I had a fun time, and it's short enough for me to reccomend.

everything was bad except for the gameplay, which is the only part that matters

if i had a dollar for every time i played a cyberpunk bartending indie game, i would have two dollars.

good game. short and sweet. only took me 3 hours. would reccomend

very fun to play, but flawed. its reliance on fetch quests can make it drag, way too many things are unlocked by going to a specific location in an open world game (if you dont want to go northwest, youre not unlocking fairy fountains. same with depths and autobuild, same with the fucking paraglider). Building is great, but due to the complexity of the system and how long it takes to put your ideas into fruition, its not the best fit for a puzzle game.

I got 2 of the sages, theyre difficult to control when there are only two, imagine the chaos of four. ive had my fun, and i dont feel guilty for putting it down.

i mean, i guess im glad this exists. it does the bare minimum of what it needs to do to accomplish its goal of being a clone of those shitty mobile game ads. but those games are never destined to be good, no matter how badly you wanted to play them. at least theres no ads.

i paid 2 dollars for a screensaver and thats okay