Guys this game clearly copied Xenoblade not even trying to hide it 🤦‍♂️ smh my head

I was going to give this game five stars cause I thought everyone hated it but I saw it had a 4.1 avg

Haven't made a review in a long time so I'm gonna hate on a game I actually don't hate

Erm what the sigma the guy that looks like mario cant jump 0/10

I wasn't borne to play easy ass games like this

I laughed when that stupid pig died

This game is peak platforming u really just have to understand the complex nature of what it is. Little baby infants play mario while men play balan wonderworld

People that hate arent red pilled like me get out the matrix

No way they made a remake on the first persona game

Hot take

Video games are supposed to be fun. Not lectures about why being a white man is bad. - boogie2988

We here at ign hate this blue bitch

Mom said i can do anything I put my mind to so im gonna breathe in space just like mario

People will tell you that this game sucks and that would be correct