YIIK Ver 1.25
Very alright, the main issue with the game is just what the creator did post release.
In terms of the game on it's own, the combat is alright although can get grating near the end. Some party members feel kind of useless. The story overexplains itself a lot, although that's fixed in the reduced mode. Definitely not as bad as people made it out to be but it's not amazing either.
I enjoyed the ending, even if I have some problems. The extra ending I didn't like even though I liked the area because I just don't care for Sammy.

I enjoyed it, the characters and interactions were very fun and the battle system was really interesting.
The music is really good in both versions I think but the atmosphere of PSX is better.
The characters are probably the highlight, they feel like 3 dimensional characters trapped by the limitations of the time. Really excited for how they're developed in P2 EP. Kandori was an amazing villain and the caverns of consciousness was amazing and I wish we had more of that in modern persona.
The only real problem I had was exp gain since whenever 1 character is like 10 levels higher than the rest it makes it really difficult to recruit personas

Very fun short game, made me smile and got a few laughs out of me
Art style is very chaotic and I love it for that
Music is also very good
It's a fun little short game
Ending was so funny

Soul Hackers 2
Honestly a really fun amazing game and I wasn't expecting that. Absolutely carried by it's cast of characters all of whom I enjoyed. (Saizo is my favourite)
Honestly just wish it wasn't called Soul Hackers.
Honestly my biggest issue is map design, not the Soul Matrix, I eat that aesthetic up, but the other dungeons.

I will say, that if I played it on release I wouldn't of had as good of an experience. Since the dash and battle speed up suits the game insanely well.
Honestly I think I just played it at the right time in my life, it felt really personal in a way I can't really describe

Hylics 2
really fun exploration and really charming
dragged down by tedious combat
Another amazing game in an out of this world series
Wonderful environments with the same charm as the first I really enjoyed my experience with this
While the movement took a bit to get used to when it clicked it became really fun and satisfying to just fly float, and run about everywhere
The environmental design really helped with that as well
Flying about in the airship was also a treat and just felt really relaxing to just float about the world and the music and colours just make it all very chill and calming.
Also flying about an open world with an airship is always very fun.
I will say I much preferred the combat in the first compared to this one, in this, it just felt extremely tedious, especially near the end of the game, so it just became dodging the enemies and dreading the long battles that come with it.
The first person dungeon crawling segment was very fun to explore and figure out the changing layout of the place.
The Platforming sections while hard are also a treat that I found fun and really good to control

The Sun
A game that gripped me much more than I was expecting it to, while I didn't go for all Lost and Founds (yet) most if not all puzzles were really engaging and really got me to use my brain
I love the atmosphere and setting of Lospass island and the titular hotel
The characters as well are all really memorable and have such unique and charming personalities
And while the game has meta humour it doesn't beat you over the head with it or have it feel overdone and dry.
Sumio is also a joy to control and i love his growth throughout the game

And The Rain
There is a lot of walking
But I don't mind it, while it may turn some people off to me it engrossed me more in the world, made it feel more real and cherished the moments of slight fast travel, especially when the game points that out.
While I enjoyed the puzzles, some feel really obtuse and there's just so many Lost and Founds that it's extremely hard to find the focus to do them all after the first couple of days

Make the Flowers grow
All this to say I loved my time with FSR
the game has a lot to give and brings some old school and fun puzzle solving to the forefront.
It's an extremely calming game, one to play at night or when you're in the mood to relax and explore

DS Ver
Fun little nostalgia trip
Some really good gameplay ideas and the story is probably the best idea for a video game for the simpsons
Some of the platforming in the last second last level felt kinda bullshit but eh dying isn't that much of a punishment in this

A beautiful game
In Art
In Story
In Gameplay
In Endings
It's genuinely wonderful with so much room for depth which sadly isn't really explored in game
Both endings I got hurt my heart, especially full spirit
I wish Grimm was my dad

Meow Meow
HOME is a fangame that does not feel like a fangame
It feels like a sequel to a game that I thought could have no sequel
With additional art like below adding to and adding to the character of the judge and the way he sees the world
I'd highly recommend to any OFF fan

My only real issue is there are some insanely spongy enemies in one part of the Mall and in the endgame.
But this is really just a small hit against an otherwise completely faithful fangame that you can tell was made with absolute love of the original
Tragically the creator passed away due to a car accident in 2017, may Felix "The Judge" Aaron Mullins rest in peace. You and your work will not be forgotten

Killer7 is probably the first major game people knew from Suda pre NMH
Of course it being written by Suda the story is insane, amazing and introspective
But you can tell there were cuts made due to how most of the Killer7 get shafted in terms of character and cutscene
The gameplay was one thing I was a bit worried about but the on rails type shooting works so much better than you'd think it would. With each member bringing something really special to the mix, none feel boring to play as while also being able to fall into personal preference
I really liked most of the smiles but there were a few being a bit too erratic and feeling unavoidable at times.
I will say I feel the game has highs and lows and feeling very easy to just get lost in routine and feel less engaged in the game due to certain circumstances.
Overall I did really enjoy the game even if it never really got over the high of the first two parts until the end
Also fucking hell play on PC don't play on console this game is made for mouse and keyboard holy shit

FFV was good, I liked my time with it
The job system feels like the perfect upgrade from IIIs system and I love the feeling and design of each job, really it's major draw.
But it's the least interested I've been in a FF game so far. The story, the characters, the main antagonist are all good and all shine in their own ways (Gilgamesh the GOAT). And it has a lot of interesting ideas and saving graces. But nothing really gripped me.
Who knows, maybe on a repeat playthrough I'll enjoy it more, but for now it's the FF I've found least engaging and least fun

Beat the basic ending
Will be working on getting the full occasionally

Completed like 3 full runs where I got to the end gonna play more before leaving a proper review but it's peak atmospheric survival horror with a wonderful style and OST

Cannibalism is fun
Setting and world was amazing, cast was outstanding.
It can be extremely difficult, especially with just the 3 party members.
Will be closely hopping onto DDS2 since from what I’m aware they’re more like a disc 1, disc 2 rather than a sequel