I love this, I love everything about this.

I bought this game 5 different times across 3 different platforms, enough said.

Shaping up to be one of my favorite SMT story of all time, the idea to have you and your party turn into demons is refreshing and has huge plot significance which scores extra points with me.

Story is good but leaves room for improvement and the combat is below average considering this came out around the same time DMC did. What saves this game is the sheer amount of style that just oozes from everything.

The story gets more hate than it should since it doesn't take the time to flesh out characters and the combat gets sucked off a little too much for me(Don't get me wrong press turn is amazing and I still lament that it's not in Strange Journey). Overall this game is great for it's time and to me what a perfect turn based game is.

Switch Axe make big boom boom. Monkey brain like

They got the game to run at 60 FPS and that's about it


The birth of my favorite weapon and one of my favorite ascetics There's quite a few things I didn't like(The dango system, the lack of gathering, the lack of monsters,etc.)

I played on both PC and PS4 and is so unbelievable fun. Grab a guide if you don't know how to make a character build and go have fun. FYI witch is best class

Bethesda's best attempts at an interplay like RPG and it still feel lackluster in the role playing department.

Lackluster remaster but still an amazing game. It's only getting 2 stars for butchering the conception cutscene.

Phenomenal game and something I'll be playing the rest of my life. One thing I will add though is the PC version has fewer skill slots (similarly to the original) than the console version.